「美味牙籤,雙重口味任君挑選!」- The Double Flavored Gourmet Toothpick

「美味牙籤,雙重口味任君挑選!」- The Double Flavored Gourmet Toothpick

[youtubelearn video_code="I8GlI0I9ojM" srt_name="flavortoothpick" player_length=""]

The toothpicker is one of the oldest human tools. It has been around forever but has never really been reinvented. Right now the toothpick is making a huge comeback, and we’re thrilled about it.

The toothpicks available right now are quite boring. They’re usually cheap. And when it tastes like anything, it’s artificial flavors. So that’s why I came up with the idea reinventing the toothpick experience. And Castor—double flavored toothpick—was born!

With Castor, you now have two flavors that mix together in your mouth, creating the perfect pairing. One pops right in, while the other cruises out for a long-lasting effect.
有了 Castor,你現在有了兩種口味混合在你的嘴裡,創造出完美的配對。一種風味直接迸出,而另一種慢慢浮現出持久的效果。

Hey guys, my name is David, founder of PhoodStation. We’re in Montreal working on new food products. Behind this project we have a dream team. There’s Diane, industrial designer and head of R&D; Kenny, the numbers guy; Jennifer, chef and nutritionist; and of course, there’s me.
嘿各位,我的名字是 David,PhoodStation 的創辦人。我們在蒙特婁(加拿大城市)致力於全新食品研發。在這項企劃後我們有個夢幻隊伍。這是 Diane,工業設計師和研發主管;Kenny,管數字的傢伙;Jennifer,主廚和營養師;還有當然,有我。

We started this project with five goals: have a high quality, affordable toothpick, use all natural ingredients, design a pocket-size packaging, create kick-ass flavor, and have a Canadian product.

We work with different types of aromas and dehydrate it, everything around us, changing ratios and concentrations. The honey wasn’t standing out enough, so we add up to the recipe. Habanero pepper was, well, it was doing a thing like there’s no tomorrow, so we calm it down a bit.

Chefs and caterers told us that it would be great to make the flavored toothpicks longer and thicker than standard. It makes them perfect for individual usage as well as for serving olive in cocktails.

After four months of test and retest, we are proud to present you this amazing new product. We achieved all our goals, and created the unique method that gives the toothpick long-lasting double flavors, aroma and powder working together as a team: team awesome!

We selected these flavor combination from more than a hundred recipes with tests in our lab. You can taste them, stick them in your food, share them, or break them like the Japanese do.

We’re from Montreal. Creativity is all around us and the food scene is just amazing here. Talent and inspiration is everywhere. With all these good vibes, the conditions are perfect for a project like Castor. Now we’re ready to launch our production, and that’s where you come in.
我們來自蒙特婁。我們身邊全是創造力,這裡的食物光景就是很讚。到處都是天賦和靈感來源。有了所有這些合適的氛圍,這些條件對於像是 Castor 的企劃來說相當完美。現在我們準備好要推出我們的產品,而這正是你可以加入的地方。

Well, this is all quite expensive. We need 35,000 dollars. But before, we want to know if you like it, so please give us your feedback. Castor is giving the toothpick a complete makeover like never before.
這個嘛,這非常貴。我們需要三萬五千元。但在那之前,我們想要知道你是否喜歡它,所以請提供我們您的意見。Castor 正在給予牙籤前所未有的徹底改造。

So let’s make this happen, and thank you for watching.


「Poo-Pourri,讓你的便便香噴噴」- Second Hand Stink, PooPourri.com

「Poo-Pourri,讓他的便便香噴噴」- Second Hand Stink, PooPourri.com

[youtubelearn video_code="7aJTxUf4i84" srt_name="poopourri2" player_length=""]

He’s doing it again.

Just when I’m about to slip into something a little more little, he lets a dirty little secret slip through the crack. Nothing turns me off like a heaping dump or some freshly churned colon sausage, or an intestinal cigar recently rolled and still smoking. Ten out of ten women agree that their fellow’s feces is unbearably foul. You know who you are!

And what about the oxygen gagging semi-solutions he uses to mask his disgusting deposits? Matches? Aerosol? Both? What if there was a natural, more effective way to make certain you never have to smell his man manure again?


Poo-Pourri is the before-you-go toilet spray that is proven to stop his suffocating stench before it starts and save your relationship. Simply spritz Poo-Pourri in the bowl to create a barrier on the water’s surface that actually traps odor into lavatory lockdown, preventing an air assault before it begins. So all you can smell is the delightful blend of essential oils.

Yes, it is a real product. And yes, it really works. There are over 1,000 reviews rating it 4.8 of 5 stars. If Poo-Pourri isn’t the perfect solution to his stinking pollution, send it back for a full refund—our open-door stink-free guarantee.

If your man’s movements have started a relationship revolution, click here to get him Poo-Pourri today at Poo-Pourri.com. Try one of our more masculine scents like Trap-A-Crap, or Royal Flush, Heavy Doody or extra-strength Poo-tonium for your companion carrying hazardous cargo.

Poo-Pourri, our business is to make it smell like his business never even happened.

註二:取 plutonium 的諧音。而 plutonium 是製造核彈的原料「鈽」。


「證券交易是怎麼運作的?」- How the Stock Exchange Works

「證券交易是怎麼運作的?」- How the Stock Exchange Works

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What is the stock exchange and how does it work?

The stock exchange is nothing more than a giant globally networked and organized marketplace, where everyday huge sums of money are moved back and forth. In total over 60 trillion Euros a year are traded, more than the value of all goods and services of the entire world economy.

However, it’s not apples or second-hand toothbrushes that are traded on this marketplace, but predominantly securities. Securities are rights to assets mostly in the form of shares. A share stands for a share in a company.

But why are shares traded at all? Well, first and foremost, the value of a share relates to the company behind it. If you think of the value of the company in terms of a pizza, the bigger the overall size of the pizza, the bigger every piece is. If, for example, Facebook is able to greatly increase its profits with a new business model, the size of the company’s pizza will also increase and, as a result, so would the value it shares.

This is, of course, great for the shareholders. A share which perhaps used to be worth 38 Euros could now be worth a whole 50 Euros. When it’s sold, this represents a profit of 12 Euros per share.

But what does Facebook gain from this? The company can raise funds by selling the shares and invest or expand its business. Facebook, for example, has earned 16 billion dollars from its listing on the stock exchange.

The trading of shares, though, is frequently a game of chance. No one can say which company will perform well and which will not. If a company has a good reputation, investors will back it. A company with a poor reputation or poor performance will have difficulties selling its shares.

Unlike a normal market in which goods could be touched and taken home, on the stock exchange, only virtual goods are available. They appear in the form of share prices and tables on monitors. Such share prices can rise or fall within seconds. Shareholders, therefore, have to act quickly in order not to miss an opportunity. Even a simple rumor can result in the demand for share falling fast, regardless of the real value of the company.

Of course, the opposite is also possible. If a particularly large number of people buy weak shares because they see, for example, great potential behind an idea, their value will rise as a result. In particular, young companies can benefit from this. Even though their sales might be falling, they can generate cash by placing their shares.

In the best-case scenario, this will result in their idea being turned into reality. In the worst-case scenario, this will result in a speculative bubble with nothing more than hot air. And as in the case with bubbles, at some point they will burst.

The value of Germany’s biggest 30 companies is summarized in what’s known as the DAX Share Index. The DAX curve shows how well or poorly these major companies, and thereby the economy as a whole, are performing at the present time.

Stock exchanges in other countries also have their own indices. And all of these markets together create a globally networked marketplace.


「希臘雅典:衛城博物館」- The Acropolis Museum

「【博物館巡禮】希臘雅典:衛城博物館」- The Acropolis Museum

[youtubelearn video_code="klhK7ZJiHGI" srt_name="acropolismuseum" player_length=""]

The Acropolis Museum opened in 2009 and is truly a unique experience.

After you get your ticket, you can travel in time by viewing scale models of the evolution of the City of Athens from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages.

The Acropolis Museum is near the Acropolis Metro station and is across from the Theater of Dionysus, which leads to the entrance of the Acropolis. Plan to spend at least one hour at this museum.

The Acropolis Museum is designed to lead you from the slopes of the hill to its archaic artifacts on the first floor, up to the third floor, on which you will find all the available artwork from the Parthenon on display. The transparent floor provides a view of the archaeological excavation, while its upward slope hints the ascent toward the Acropolis.

One of the unique aspects of this museum is that visitors may view the exhibits from all sides as three-dimensional exhibits without the hindrance of ropes or glass.

The artwork is a combination of the original blocks of the frieze and cast copies of the pieces in the museum abroad, such as the British Museum and the Louvre.


「老爸心目中最棒的父親節」- Perfect Father’s Day

「老爸心目中最棒的父親節」- Perfect Father’s Day

[youtubelearn video_code="hwYtrH2vvVg" srt_name="perfectpapaday" player_length=""]

We can go to brunch, go on a long walk, and go to the grocery store and get all those ingredients for that low-carb, low-fat chicken recipe I’ve been wanting to try. What’s your perfect Father’s Day?

8 a.m.—the kids do not come in and crash my bed
They gently tiptoe downstairs and pour cereal instead
10 a.m.—I wake up and my wife gives me a kiss
She says, “Your breath smells amazing, and look, I made you this."

30 minutes later, I head on down the stairs
And I find my final resting place and put my fanny there
And I love you guys, but if you asked me what I want, I’d say,
“I won’t leave the couch on Father’s Day!"

After my 67th viewing of Die Hard
There’s a sushi truck that broke down and it’s right outside my yard
They say, “Penn, we are in trouble. Our refrigerator is mucked."
“Can you help us out by eating everything that’s in our truck?"

So as I start devouring, I turn on channel 3
Tiger Woods has made a miracle bounceback from surgery
And he’s dominating Pinehurst and he’s 15 under par
And he’s texting me because he wants to hang out at the bar

But I tell him, “No, I’m staying here with everyone I love.”
And I’ve got this cooler filled with beer I don’t need to get up
And I love you guys, but if you asked me what I want, I’ll say,
“I won’t leave the couch on Father’s Day!"

My wife comes in and cleans up all the food I didn’t eat
And my daughter rubs my back while my four-year-old rubs my feet
And the thermostat is now set at the perfect 63
And my wife and kids are fine with it
Oh, yeah, totally!

At 4 p.m., the NFL announces a surprise
They’ve decided to play 16 games in June just for us guys
Oh my gosh! That play’s amazing. Oh, I wish you could see, too
But if we showed you game video, the NFL would sue

I have to pee, but my legs are asleep. I haven’t moved all day
So my family LeBrons me to the bathroom all the way
And even after that my wife says, “Hey, you wanna play?"
It’s time to leave the couch on Father’s Day!

Hey, hey, hey! Where are you gonna go?
Sorry. Let’s just go to brunch. It’s like an hour away.


「林書豪進軍好萊塢?」- Jeremy Lin Goes Hollywood

「林書豪進軍好萊塢?」- Jeremy Lin Goes Hollywood

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What’s wrong with him?
I don’t know, man.
Oh, you know what? I bet he just saw this mean tweet about him. Look, “Celebrity sighting—J Lin and a fan."
He’s trash! He’s like a trash, like reality or like… Is he trashing and dunking?
What do you mean? You don’t get… Fan? Trash can?

It’s mean. He’s right there, dude.
I mean, I get mean tweets all the time, but I don’t get tripped like that.
I mean, we know how it feels, so we should probably go talk to him.
Yeah, you know, go tell him to quit being such a baby.

Dude, we know how you feel.
Dude, we get mean tweets all the time.
Yeah, get over it!
No, it’s not even about that.

Harry’s Adam’s apple is like an apple orchard.
Your songs make me feel like I’m jumping through a window…Groundhog’s Day style.
When Harry Shum Jr. was on Glee, he turned it into Sadness.
當Harry Shum Jr.在《歡樂合唱團》(美劇)時,他把它變成了《憂傷合唱團》。
@philipwang, Philip means small in Chinese, so his real name is Small Wang.

Thanks guys, but…

Hey there, Jeremy
Cheer up, Jeremy
It’s all right, Jeremy
We’re here for you

I get mean tweets, too
People think I’m you
No one likes Wong Fu
沒人喜歡Wong Fu(電影工作室)
Let us change your mood

Eat some cereal
Watch your favorite show
Be sure to point your toes
This is how it goes
Wear your favorite hat
Then dress up in drag

Cheer up, Jeremy
Cheer up, Jeremy
Cheer up, Jeremy
Cheer up, Jeremy
Cheer up, Jeremy

Thanks guys, that was pretty cool. But honestly, it was never about the mean tweet.

I told you!

It’s about the playoffs. But that musical number really helped me gain a new perspective on the loss. Because even when you lose, life goes on. And life is filled with things like dancing, acting, singing, and piano.

This is it. We’ve got this far
Don’t have to be afraid no more
We can only be thankful for the things we’ve got
It’s only up from here so don’t give up

So here we are without a doubt
We’re doing what we love, so now
We just gotta have faith for what’s in store for us
So don’t give in and don’t give up

Wow, I can’t believe he actually saw our tweet. Hey, he’ll never know it was us. We should just keep sending more. I got it! Now that you’re in Hollywood, can you at least act like you’re a good basketball player?

Type this: Jeremy doesn’t need a Laker’s jersey, because he’s already yellow. Right?

No? Okay, try this one: Hey, is Linsanity more like Trashcanity? Why don’t you stop making YouTube videos and get a life, loser?


What? What’s wrong with that one? It’s a good one.


「大胃王的世界不是那麼簡單的!」- The World’s Best EATERS

「大胃王的世界不是那麼簡單的!」- The World’s Best EATERS

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Vsauce! Kevin here.

Competitive eating or speed eating features contestants clashing to consume the largest quantity of food in a short period of time. The competitors are referred to as gurgitators. And a 2007 study found that their stomachs can grow 4 times that of the average person’s and can hold 4 liters.

According to 13th-century Norse mythology, the God Loki engaged in an eating contest with his servant. The servant won after eating the plate. Pie eating competitions have been held at local fairs and festivals in the United States for generations.

Today, the Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest is one of the most popular and dates back to 1916. The sport gained major popularity in the 90′s when the Shea brothers took the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest to new levels by increasing the attendance and creating the International Federation of Competitive Eating, now called Major League Eating. They hold around 80 events annually.
今天,Nathan’s Famous(美國知名連鎖餐廳)的吃熱狗大賽是最受歡迎的比賽之一,且要回溯到1916年。這項運動在九零年代得到廣大人氣,當時Shea兄弟將吃熱狗大賽提升到新的水平,藉由增加參賽者、並創立國際大胃王聯盟,現在則稱作大胃王大聯盟。他們每年舉辦大約八十場活動。

Kobayashi became the face of competitive eating after devouring a record 50 hot dogs during his rookie appearance at Nathan’s Coney Island contest. The Kobayashi Shake is a body wiggle he uses to force food down his esophagus and settle in his stomach. And he holds Guinness World Records in hot dogs, meatballs, Twinkies, burgers, pizza and pasta.

Joey Chestnut is currently the number-one-ranked eater. He’s won the Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Contest 7 years in a row—recently breaking his own world record by eating 69 hot dogs. His favorite food is prime rib and the only thing he won’t eat competitively is oysters.
Joey Chestnut是現任第一名的大胃王。他連續七年贏得Nathan’s吃熱狗大賽--最近因為吃下六十九根熱狗打破他自己的世界紀錄。他最喜歡的食物是肋排,而唯一一樣他不會為比賽而吃的食物是牡蠣。

Patrick “Deep Dish" Bertoletti is currently ranked number two and holds the most eating world records, including waffles, fried calamari, and blueberry pie (hands free.) He’s a cook that also owns a food truck and his YouTube channel features videos of him eating 30 peeps in under 35 seconds and engulfing 100 Krispy Kreme donuts.
Patrick “Deep Dish" Bertoletti是現任排名第二,並擁有最多大胃王世界紀錄的人,包括格子鬆餅、炸花枝、還有藍莓派(不用手吃)。他是名同樣也擁有一台小吃卡車的廚師,而他在YouTube的頻道主打他在35秒內吃下30個棉花糖、還有吞下100個Krispy Kreme甜甜圈的影片。

Tim Janus, also known as Eater X, sports a mask painted on his face while he competes. He was the third person in history to eat more than 50 hot dogs and buns, and tried to be the first person to ever get legally drunk off non-alcoholic beer. He drank nearly 30 in an hour, got to a blood alcohol level of .02, and vomited. And in 2012, he was crowned the world burping champion.
Tim Janus,也以「X食客」為人所知,在比賽時賣弄那畫在他臉上的面具。他是史上第三個吃下超過五十根熱狗和麵包的人,並試著成為第一個在法律允許範圍下因無酒精啤酒醉倒的人。他在一小時內喝下將近30瓶、測量血液酒精含量達0.02、並吐了。在2012年,他贏得世界打嗝冠軍的殊榮。

Miki Sudo is one of the most famous female competitive eaters and is ranked number four with Major League Eating. She recently set a new record eating 8 and a quarter pounds of food in 6 minutes on What’s Trending and somehow consumed 50 Cadbury creme eggs in just over 6 minutes, living up to the tagline on her website “Because everybody’s good at something."
Miki Sudo是最知名的女性大胃王之一,並在大胃王大聯盟排名第四。她最近在What’s Trending節目上創下吃掉八又四分之一磅(約四公斤)食物的新紀錄,並不知怎麼地在僅僅六分多鐘內吃下五十顆吉百利巧克力蛋,無愧於她網站上的箴言:「因為每個人都擅長某件事。」

Forty-four-year old, ninety-eight-pound Sonya Thomas is known as The Black Widow. She owns 20 world eating records, and has beaten all of the men mentioned so far in at least one contest except for the one who inspired her to start competing—Kobayashi.
四十四歲、九十八磅(約四十四公斤)的Sonya Thomas以「黑寡婦」為人所知。她擁有二十項大胃王世界紀錄,並在至少一場比賽中打敗過至今所提過的所有男子,除了那個激勵她開始比賽的人--小林尊。

Competitive eaters train by drinking large amounts of fluids and eating low calorie foods like lettuce to expand the capacity of their stomachs. Some even chew massive amounts of gum to build jaw strength. Bob Shoudt chews 25 pieces at a time to strengthen his masticators in order to chew faster.
大胃王藉由喝下大量液體,並吃下像是萵苣的低卡路里食物來撐大他們的胃容量來做訓練。有些人甚至咀嚼大量的口香糖來增強下巴的力量。Bob Shoudt 一次嚼二十五顆口香糖來強化他的咀嚼肌,以能更快地咀嚼。

There are hundreds of competitive eating records all around the world. Here are a few of the most interesting: 11 pounds of cheesecake in 9 minutes, 17 pounds of cow brains in 15 minutes, 275 pickled jalapenos in 8 minutes, and 141 pieces of nigiri sushi in 6 minutes.

Doctors say the competitions can be dangerous with stomach perforations potentially occurring for those with undiagnosed ulcers and water intoxication occurring from gulping massive quantities of water. But so far the only documented injury from a competition has been a fracture jaw.

And as always, thanks for watching.


「誠實咖啡館」- The Vault Coffee Shop

「誠實咖啡館」- The Vault Coffee Shop

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The Vault is like any other coffee shop, and then it has coffee, tea, and pastries. The one thing is missing—staff.

At the time I didn’t realize how unique that was. I thought it just made sense. And I found out later by googling. Really there isn’t anything else like it.

When David Brekke and his wife Kimberly opened the shop in October, they decided it was fitting to allow people to serve themselves and pay on the honor system. They haven’t broken even yet, but it’s not because people are stealing.
當David Brekke及他的妻子Kimberly在十月開了這間店時,他們決定那要能夠讓人們自己動手,並以榮譽制度付款。他們還未收支平衡,但那不是因為人們有偷竊行為。

The thing that’s amazing is that people have been extremely honest. When I add up how much has been taken and how much is in the till the end of the day, people are 15% more generous than thieving.

The process couldn’t be simpler. You just grab your coffee, pay, and sit down and have a chat.

It’s really very convenient to use. I hope that they financially make it, but most people in town, I think, are pretty honest.

And there’s plenty else to draw people in: two pianos, artwork for sale, and a whole lot of books.

It’s a great place to sit where it’s quiet and read, and little by little, there are more and more people coming in all the time.

Brekke spent three and a half years renovating the former bank, turning it from this to this: A true “for the people" coffee shop that this community is embracing wholeheartedly.

From Valley City, Aaron Boerner, Fox News.
福斯新聞Aaron Boerner在Valley City報導。


「擁抱真實的自己」- Colbie Caillat: Try

「擁抱真實的自己」- Colbie Caillat: Try

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Put your makeup on
Get your nails done
Curl your hair
Run the extra mile
Keep it slim so they like you
Do they like you?

Get your sexy on
Don’t be shy, girl, take it off
This is what you want to belong
So they like you
Do they like you?

You don’t have to try so hard
You don’t have to give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don’t have to change a single thing

You don’t have to try, try, try, try
You don’t have to try, try, try, try
You don’t have to try, try, try, try
You don’t have to try
You don’t have to try

Get your shopping on at the mall
Max your credit cards
You don’t have to choose
Buy it all
So they like you
Do they like you?

Wait a second, why should you care what they think of you?
When you’re all alone by yourself, do you like you?
Do you like you?

You don’t have to try so hard
You don’t have to give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don’t have to change a single thing

You don’t have to try so hard
You don’t have to bend until you break
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don’t have to change a single thing

You don’t have to try, try, try, try
You don’t have to try, try, try, try
You don’t have to try, try, try, try
You don’t have to try

You don’t have to try, try, try, try
You don’t have to try, try, try, try
You don’t have to try, try, try, try
You don’t have to try
You don’t have to try

You don’t have to try so hard
You don’t have to give all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don’t have to change a single thing

You don’t have to try, try, try, try
You don’t have to try, try, try, try
You don’t have to try
You don’t have to try

Take your makeup off
Let your hair down
Take a breath
Look into the mirror at yourself
Don’t you like you?
Because I like you


「趣味宣導影片:安全標示小須知」- Funny Sign Safety Video

「趣味宣導影片:安全標示小須知」- Funny Sign Safety Video

[youtubelearn video_code="kSqVR3MocHk" srt_name="signsafety" player_length=""]

No snowmobiling in the lunchroom? Watch out for cows in the bathroom? What the heck is going on here?

Meet Tony. He is a lovable knucklehead who happens to be in charge of the company signage. Say, “Hi," Tony.

Looks like Tony’s at it again.

Tony has a problem: he hasn’t figured out that where he hangs his signs is as important as the signs he hangs.

You’re getting warmer, Tony. But nobody can see your sign there.

Tony is finding out the hard way that a good sign should be where somebody needs it to be to get the message.

Not bad, Tony! That’s a great start to an effective safety sign program.

Hey, Tony! Know what would be even better? Sign-wise, Tony. I mean sign-wise.

You see, Tony, a great sign program means having signs that are easily seen, that draw our attention to real consequences, and that tell us exactly what to do to be safe. Those are the three keys to a great sign program.

That’s it, Tony! And don’t be afraid to be specific. Many job sites have specific needs, and good customized signs can really help keep everyone safe. Now, get to work, Tony!

That’s the ticket, Tony! This sign gives us a clear direction of what to do.

Nice work, Tony! Looks like you are on a roll.

Now that our friend Tony understands what makes a good sign, he has the respect of his fellow workers, which doesn’t mean they can’t have a little fun with him.

So long, Tony!


「達文西:〈最後的晚餐〉」- Leonardo, Last Supper, 1495-98

「達文西:〈最後的晚餐〉」- Leonardo, Last Supper, 1495-98

[youtubelearn video_code="iV6_wTrkd70" srt_name="lastsupper" player_length=""]

We’re in Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, looking at Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper.

And we’re in the room where the monks would eat, their refectory. And so several times a day, the monks would come in here, eat silently, and be able to look up at Leonardo’s Last Supper.

It’s an ideal place, of course, for this particular subject, and not an uncommon one.

So let’s talk about the story. At the last supper, Christ says, “One of you will betray me," to his twelve apostles.

And one of the ways that this painting is often read is as a reaction to that moment. That is, this is not the moment when Christ utters that, but the moment after, when the reaction takes place. These are his closest followers. And so this is terribly shocking. And so what we see is this incredible set of reactions from the apostles around the table.

So that’s one way we can understand the fresco, but there’s another aspect of the narrative.

Which is, in some ways, even more important. Christ, you can see, is reaching towards both a glass of wine and towards bread. And this is the institution of the Sacrament.

The Sacrament of the Eucharist, we might know it as Holy Communion, where Christ says, “Take this bread, for this is my body. Take this wine, for this is my blood. And remember me." And you can see that he reaches out toward the bread and the wine.

But what’s interesting is that Christ’s hand is widely spread. So it seems as if he’s reaching towards the wine, but at the same time, he’s reaching toward a bowl. And at the same moment, Judas is reaching towards that same bowl.

Judas is the one who’s going to betray Christ. He’s been paid 30 pieces of silver by the Romans. And you can see, he’s grasped that bag of silver in his right hand, as he pulls away from Christ, his face cast in shadow. But he’s pulling away at the same time that he’s still reaching out to the bowl.

And that’s one of the ways that Christ identifies who will betray him, the person who shares, who dips with him in that bowl. It’s interesting, because the history of the art history about this painting is really about scholars arguing about what moment this is.

But I think there are all of these moments here. And the apostles could, just as easily, be understood as reacting to Christ’s words, “one of you will betray me," as they could to Christ saying, “Take the bread, for this is my body and take the wine, for this is my blood." So, Leonardo tells us several moments in this story and, at the same time, gives us a sense of the divine, eternal importance of this story.

We would never mistake this for 13 people having dinner. We know this is the last supper. We know that this is an important moment without any of the obvious symbols of the divine that we would have in the early Renaissance, like the halo.

The figures themselves are monumental in this space, and too crowded for that table, creating a kind of energy, a kind of chaos that surrounds the perfection, the solemnity, the geometry of Christ.

That’s right. Christ forms an equilateral triangle. His head is in the center of a circle. The window that frames his head reads as a halo. There’s that calm center, and then human beings with all of their faults, and fears, and worries, around that divine center.

This is Leonardo da Vinci, who is thinking about mathematics. He’s thinking about science. He’s thinking about the integration of all of these things.

If we look at earlier images of the Last Supper, there’s lots of room at the table, there’s lots of decorations in the room. What Leonardo does is he simplifies everything and focuses us on those figures and their gestures. And by making it so there’s no room behind the table, the figures take up so much space, it’s separating our world from the world of Christ and the apostles. There’s no way for us to enter that space.

In fact, there’s no way for them to move into our space. There really is this demarcation.

In versions of the Last Supper that Leonardo would have seen in Florence, Judas is sitting on the opposite side of the table. And by putting Judas with the other apostles, he does use the table as a barrier between our world and the world of the apostles.

Let’s look at those faces for just a moment. Christ is so serene, his eyes are down, one hand is up, one hand is down. To his right is a group of three, and there is Judas, who’s facing away from us in shadow. His neck is turned, reminding us that that night he will hang himself.

Now as he pulls away, Saint Peter, Christ’s protector, rushes in. He’s got a knife that he holds around his back. And he comes in, seeming to say almost, “Who is it? I need to defend you."

The third figure in that group with Judas and Peter would be Saint John, who looks very resigned and closes his eyes. And that’s the tradition in paintings of the Last Supper. My favorite three figures are the figures on the far right. Leonardo was very interested in using the body to reveal the soul, to reveal one’s internal nature. But Leonardo’s creating these four groups of three, that idea of knitting the figures together, overlapping them with one another, creating all this drama.

And creating tensions and contrast between the emotional responses of all these figures. There’s that incredible grouping of Thomas pointing upward.

As if to say, “Is this something that is ordained by God? Is this God’s plan, that one of us should betray you?"

But of course, that finger also foreshadows him actually proving Christ’s resurrection by plunging that finger into Christ’s wound. And then we have Philip and James the Major. And they’re in opposition, one throwing his arms out, one bringing his hands together.

And if we were to compare this with earlier Last Suppers, we would see the way that the figures remained very separate from one another. And here, that idea of unified composition, which is so characteristic of the High Renaissance. But what I sense here, more than anything, is the divinity of Christ, here, in the center; his calm, the way that all of those perspective lines bringing us toward him.

It’s interesting, because that perspective that the artist is rendering is slightly at odds with the perspective, as we see it, from down here on the floor. That is, we would need to be close to Christ’s level to see this painting in a perspective-correct manner. And it’s interesting. In a sense, it elevates us, as we look at this painting.

Right, we would have to be, what, about 10 or 15 feet off the floor to have the perspective work exactly perfectly. So we have this divine presence in the center, indicated in all of these different ways. Now, keep in mind, we’re not saying this is the way that people would have seen it, in 1498.

The painting is in terrible condition, in part, because Leonardo experimented with a combination of oil paint and tempera in an environment where fresco would be traditionally used. And the painting began to deteriorate soon after it was completed.

Right, unlike a traditional fresco, which is painted on wet plaster, Leonardo painted on dry plaster. And the paint never really adhered to the wall. So luckily for us, the Last Supper has been conserved.

And so in some ways, this is a perfect representation of the High Renaissance. It is finding a way of creating a sense of the eternal, a sense of the perfect, but within the chaos that is the human experience.

That’s right. Uniting the earthly and the divine.


「七月四日:美國國慶日」- Independence Day: 4th of July History

「七月四日:美國國慶日」- Independence Day: 4th of July History

[youtubelearn video_code="dr-fjQuQUnI" srt_name="fourthofjuly" player_length=""]

It takes place on the fourth of July and celebrates America’s freedom. Welcome to WatchMojo.com and today we’ll be learning more about Independence Day.

Independence Day is an American national holiday that celebrates the adoption of the formal declaration of independence on July 4, 1776. This landmark document decreed that the 13 colonies were no longer part of the British Empire and had become independent states.

The declaration came about, thanks to Richard Henry Lee of Virginia who proposed its creation. Founding father John Adams advanced the idea of a manuscript, and the committee of five, led by chief author Thomas Jefferson, composed the written draft. Final edited version of the Declaration of Independence was approved on July 4.
獨立宣言誕生,多虧了提出其創作的維吉尼亞州的Richard Henry Lee。建國之父John Adams提出了手稿的想法,接著五人小組,由首席作者Thomas Jefferson領導,擬出了草稿。獨立宣言最終修訂版本在七月四日通過。

In it was one of the most famous sentences in the English language, which outlined the belief system of this new country and became a cornerstone of American society: We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Celebrations of American independence have taken place since the adoption of the declaration. Meanwhile, the City of Philadelphia first laid the groundwork for today’s celebrations with fireworks, speeches, music, parades, and displays of red, white, and blue.

Eventually in 1938, the celebration became a paid federal holiday. All traditions continue as well. For example, at military bases, a 50-gun salute is fired to commemorate the independence of each of the 50 states.

Today Independence Day is a prominent summertime event marked by shows of patriotism, outdoor activities, and tributes. There are also parades in the morning and firework displays at night. Plus the national anthem and other patriotic songs take center stage.

The holiday has become so popular, the first week of July is the busiest time of the year for travel in the United States, as Americans extend the long weekend to celebrate the birth of America and a defining moment in American history.

If you’re interested in learning more about important moments in American history, be sure to tune in to WatchMojo.com.


「奧托‧迪克斯:〈記者席維亞‧馮‧哈德肖像〉」- Dix, Portrait of Sylvia von Harden, 1926

「奧托‧迪克斯:〈記者席維亞‧馮‧哈德肖像〉」- Dix, Portrait of Sylvia von Harden, 1926

[youtubelearn video_code="sHkZWu9tgpw" srt_name="ottodix" player_length=""]

We are looking at Otto Dix’s painting. It’s Portrait of Sylvia von Harden and it’s from 1926.

Who was Sylvia von Harden?

Sylvia von Harden was a fantastic, fabulous figure, who was not actually a journalist, even though the title says that she’s a journalist. She was less of a journalist but actually a poet and a short story writer who worked in Germany.

And this shows her in the Romanisches Cafe in Berlin, which was a huge hangout for all of the cool avant-garde artists and writers and poets of the 1920s. So Sylvia von Harden is pictured here in this little corner where she would have hung out at a little cafe table.

She was an avant-garde of neue frau. And she was friendly with various artists and poets and writers of the era.

So neue frau is the new woman in Germany in the early 20th century. And we’re in between the Great War and World War II here. And the new woman is that the woman in the public sphere who goes out and works.
所以neue frau是二十世紀早期德國的新女性之意。我們在第一次世界大戰及第二次世界大戰之間這裡。新女性就是在公共領域外出及工作的女性。

She has close-cropped hair, I see, which makes her rather androgynous. Her hands are very large. Do these things have to do with representing the new woman in a work of art, perhaps?

It does. It has to do with the new woman in general, but it also has to do with Otto Dix’s style of portraiture. One thing that Otto Dix was famed for was making his sitters quite ugly and quite unattractive.

Sylvia von Harden does look like this in real life but not to quite the extent that Dix shows her. So that, things like her hair—she did have a close-cropped haircut. In Germany this cut had a very funny specific name, called the Bubikopf, which was in style all throughout the 20s. She did have a sort of androgynous appearance.

And this dress is actually based on a dress that she actually wore. And so it does have a lot of basis in reality. But things like her hands, he elongates and sort of creates these immense hands.

And I think that has a lot to do with sort of deflection and kind of placement as it draws your attention to things like the area where her breasts should be, which because she’s such an androgynous figure, she doesn’t really have any.

She’s wearing this very kind of geometric-patterned dress that hides any kind of feminine figure that she might have. She’s covered up. I mean, it even has a turtleneck so we don’t even get to see her neck. And then you see the other hand kind of draped across her lap, covering it up. But there are other elements that you might be able to see that signal different things.

In the body?

If you look actually at this great detail—the sagging stocking—you can kind of see, and that’s a really great moment of realism that Dix captures. You don’t want to have your stockings be shown as sagging. It sort of implies a kind of messiness. She doesn’t seem to have a very polished kind of air about her. But on the other hand, it kind of gives her this sort of subversive quality.

She’s sitting there and she’s looking out. She has a monocle even. I mean, she has these particular features, all these little accessories that pinpoint her as a particular kind of woman—the sagging stocking, the large hands, the monocle which highlights the kind of sight and gaze that a new woman might have.

And then she has cigarettes. She’s smoking in a public place. That’s all kind of building a particular sort of identity for this character, and Dix was really talented at doing that in his painting.

The patterned dress seems to really emphasize a sense of surface and flatness instead of her body. Her neck seems very cylindrical and almost mechanical rather than a human organic form as well.

I think one of the things that I like about this painting, too, is the way that Dix uses this kind of geometric sort of areas and shapes and throws it into contrast with, if you see behind her, she’s sitting on this really ornately patterned chair. So those kind of curves are more feminine than her body is, which I think is a great kind of a comment to make.

Then there’s the circle of her monocle; there’s the circle of the marble table; the circle of the glass, which has a very particular kind of cocktail in it that was popular at the time. So those things, and then things that are longer and flatter, like her body, which really should be the least flat, you know, if you’re thinking about what bodies look like.

Are bodies in round and sort of curvaceous and sensual things or are they in kind of desexualized, androgenized forms which Dix does here?

And we should probably contextualize this in terms of the new objectivity, or neue Sachlichkeit.
我們應該也許要在新客觀主義、也就是neue Sachlichkeit(德文)方面的背景下一併考慮這點。

Yes, Sachlichkeit. Yes!

Which was occurring at this time, a movement in between the wars, which went back to a bit more of a figural style, a bit more naturalism—relatively more naturalistic than what one might be familiar with in terms of Kirchner or German expressionism or Kandinsky, of course, other artists who were working in Germany at the time. Why going back to this style, which is a bit more naturalistic?
那是在此時發生的,在兩次大戰之間的運動,那回到有點更具像化的,有點更自然主義的--相對來說更自然主義,比起人們可能在Kirchner(德國畫家) 、或是德國表現主義、或是Kandinsky(俄國畫家)方面更加熟悉的那種自然主義,當然,還有其他當時在德國工作的藝術家。為什麼要回到這種風格,那是有點更自然主義的?

Well, I think that the realism is, there are many things that are important about it at this time, but this is 1926. There’s this sort of general sense in Germany. This is going on in other countries in Europe as well, kind of a return to order, kind of looking back at tradition, a kind of sense that they wanted to create something new, but they wanted it to have a particular kind of meaning and a rootedness in something that was very German.

So Otto Dix is really looking back to traditions of portraiture in Germany. He looks back to Holbein who creates, you know, incredibly important portraits and sort of, you know, bringing out that kind of German quality.

Holbein’s hyper-naturalistic, isn’t he?

Yes, he is hyper-naturalistic. What he does is he takes naturalism and realism and he sort of lifts it to another level, where it almost is caricature. So it kind of falls between that. And a lot of neue Sachlichkeit painters did that—a kind of photographic realism, almost, but also taken to an extreme.

That’s interesting that it’s characterized as a kind of call to order or a return to order, while we’re representing someone who is apparently overturning some very longstanding gender hierarchies and ordered ways of thinking about men and women as very separate. The new woman, particularly as it’s embodied here by Sylvia, seems to be confounding those categories rather than reveling in how neat and ordered they are.

The new woman, particularly as it’s embodied here by Sylvia, seems to be confounding those categories rather than reveling in how neat and ordered they are.

Well, she’s definitely about sort of overturning things. And you know, even her name is actually made up. It’s a pseudonym. She changed her name when she started her writing career. She’s not a huge, very popular writer, but she’s one of many poets and writers who are working on different pieces that are published in small journals that, you know, very small kind of audiences have read.

But she’s definitely overturning different kinds of cultural stereotypes and gender stereotypes, and kind of in that space of subversion in the cafe culture of Germany at the time.
但她確實在推翻 不同種類的文化刻板印象及性別刻板印象,似乎就在當時德國咖啡文化中那種顛覆的空間。

What did Dix’s sitters think about the fact that he liked to make people ugly? Did that bother them?

You know, sometimes it did. A lot of times it was almost like a privilege to be painted by Dix and portrayed in this particularly ugly kind of way. But one or two sitters did have a problem with it, depending on if he was commissioned by sitters because he was so well-known, and at this point, in ‘26, he’s very well-known for his painting style. But earlier than that, some of his more wealthy business clients did not particularly like the way that they were painted.

Sylvia von Harden, as far as I know, loved the way that this painting worked. She even sat with it. It’s at the Pompidou Center now. In the ’60s she even sat and had a photograph taken of herself in front of the portrait. And you can see even, at that point, that she still sort of looks a little bit like the figure in it.
I just think it’s a great portrait.


「杜奇歐:〈端坐寶座的聖母與聖嬰及六位天使〉」- Duccio, The Rucellai Madonna

「杜奇歐:〈端坐寶座的聖母與聖嬰及六位天使〉」- Duccio, The Rucellai Madonna

[youtubelearn video_code="1JL5ZR-ocOs" srt_name="duccio" player_length=""]

You know, the Florentines get all the credit. And it’s important to remember that there was another major city in the 1300s that was also in Tuscany that was another independent republic. And this is the Republic of Siena, with the capital city of Siena. And there was an enormously important and influential painter there whose name was Duccio. And so let’s look at one of his most important paintings, The Rucellai Madonna.

We’re looking at a painting of the Madonna holding the Christ Child surrounded by 3 angels on either side and 12 feet high. It’s a very large painting.

Yeah, it’s a huge painting. In fact, the Virgin Mary herself is twice the height, if not larger, than a human being. It’s an altarpiece that’s meant to be seen at a great distance within a huge church.

And there’s so many decorative patterns here on the throne. In the spaces in between the posts that make up the throne, we see reds and blues. And then we’ve got more patterning in the drapery behind the throne.

The characteristics that you’re referencing are seen by our historians to be the definition of Sienese art of this time—highly decorative, highly patterned, and with a subtlety of color that we don’t often see in the Florentine.

First of all, Mary’s whole body is in this lovely ultramarine blue, which was a very expensive paint. But the angels, you see purples, and greens, and pinks, and blues.

And they’re subtle and prismatic in a way that we don’t so much see in the flatter colors of the Florentine style.

It’s hard to see that Mary’s sitting in her throne. The throne itself is so flat.

It’s almost the background against which she’s seen. There’s so much details and so much decorative patterning in the throne, especially in the cloth that drapes the throne, that its structure gets lost, because pattern, of course, does emphasize the two-dimensional.

You know, when I look at Sienese art, especially the Rucellai Madonna, I tend to think of an artist who is so in love with the ability to create beauty. That pattern and form tend to trump the overall representation and the emphasis on any kind of naturalism or any physicality.

For instance, look at the Byzantine-influenced hands of Mary. Look how long those fingers are. It’s almost as if the artist has gotten lost in the length of those fingers as they wrap around Christ’s waist.

They’re very beautiful, those hands. I’m thinking also about the amount of gold here. We see the disappearance of all of that gold through the 1300s into the 1400s. Here, the painting’s value is largely in that ultramarine paint that was expensive and in the use of gold. And what happens during the Renaissance is that the artist himself is valued. The artist’s skill becomes more valued. Not that Duccio’s skill wasn’t valued, but the value was also heavily in the materials that were used, that were often dictated by the patron.

Now, the ultramarine blue that you’re referencing was actually made of the semi-precious stone lapis lazuli. And during the Renaissance, the only mines that were available for lapis were in Afghanistan, still a remote place for us in the 21st century. One can only imagine how exotic and rare and difficult importing from Afghanistan would have been in the 1200s.

And here we have an enormous quantity of that color being used.

This is, in some ways, ostentatious. In some ways, this is a painting that is broadcasting its value, its wealth, its importance. What’s so interesting is this was a commission for the main altar in Santa Maria Novella in Florence, although it’s by a Sienese artist. And Santa Maria Novella is the main Dominican church, that is, one of the mendicant orders, this order of begging monks that had renounced worldly possessions. So there’s this interesting kind of tension.

We mentioned that this is called the Rucellai Madonna and that’s a later title. This painting was later moved away from the main altar in Santa Maria Novella and into the Rucellai Chapel, that is, the private chapel that was controlled by the Florentine family, the Rucellai.


「強迫症之歌」- My OCD

「強迫症之歌」- My OCD

[youtubelearn video_code="tnzz-eFmKaw" srt_name="ocd" player_length=""]

Hello, Mr. Neal. How are you today?
I’m good. Where’s the rest of the group?
Oh, it’s just you.
I’m the group?
Yes, but don’t worry. I don’t need anyone else.

That picture frame
Those hoodie strings
They are driving me insane

Unequal pizza slices
Fonts of different sizes
It’s more than I can take

Missing parenthesis
Uneven capris
Googling “askew"
Bags opened from the wrong end should be recognized as a sin
Along with an unsolved Rubik’s cube

I gotta make things right
Make it the way it’s supposed to be
It’s my OCD

Toilet paper facing inwards
Unsynchronized synchronized swimmers
A closet that’s not organized
Pills removed out of sequence
Sideburns that are not even
That one rebel mini blind

I gotta make things right
Make it the way it’s supposed to be
It’s my OCD

Mr. Neal, how’s everything going?
Would you like to take a break?
Yeah, actually that’d be…
Great. I hope you’re hungry. I’ve prepared some snacks for you. Enjoy.

I gotta make things right
Make it the way it’s supposed to be
It’s my OCD, baby

I gotta make things right
Make it the way it’s supposed to be
It’s my OCD

All right, we’re all done. You’re free to go. Mr. Neal? Mr. Neal?

Can I come back tomorrow?


「《不祥的預兆》神奇MV大玩視覺遊戲」- The Writing’s On The Wall

「《不祥的預兆》神奇MV大玩視覺遊戲」- The Writing’s On The Wall

[youtubelearn video_code="m86ae_e_ptU" srt_name="coolsong" player_length=""]

Listen, I know it’s been hard
You know it’s no different for me
We’re less than a zero-sum game now
And baby, we both know that’s not how it’s supposed to be

The writing’s on the wall—it seems like forever
Since we had a good day
The writing’s on the wall

But I just want to get you high tonight
I just want to see some pleasure in your eyes
Some pleasure in your eyes

I go too high and you go too cold
And we both fall apart
Then you bring your mind to rest against mine
But the mind has no say in affairs of the heart

The writing’s on the wall—it seems like forever
Since we had a good day
The writing’s on the wall

But I just want to get you high tonight
I just want to see some pleasure in your eyes
Some pleasure in your eyes

Then you bring your mind to rest against mine
But the mind has no say in affairs of the heart

The writing’s on the wall—it seems like forever
Since we had a good day
The writing’s on the wall

But I just want to get you high tonight
I just want to see some pleasure in your eyes
Some pleasure in your eyes

I just want to get you high
Just want to get you high
Just want to get you high
Even if it’s the last thing we do together

Even if it’s the last thing we do together



「充滿溫暖人性的感人影片:《隔壁床的病人》」Hospital Window

「充滿溫暖人性的感人影片:《隔壁床的病人》」- Hospital Window

[youtubelearn video_code="82d84rn306M" srt_name="hospitalwindow" player_length=""]

So what is he doing now?
He’s down on one knee, handing her flowers.
She doesn’t want flowers. She wants a ring!
That’s what he’s afraid of.
Wait a minute. She just threw all the flowers in the ground and stormed off.
She wants a ring!
He’s going after her.
Forget it, kid! She is gone.

Hey, you know? If it wasn’t for you telling me what’s going on in that park, I don’t know what I’d do.
I enjoy it.
You made me realize that there’s plenty to enjoy without having to see it. Thanks.
Ahh, forget about it. Eat your lunch.

Guess who’s sitting on the bench holding the flowers?
You’re kidding.
I kid you not.
Well, what’s he doing?
He’s standing up. She’s back. She’s…she…
She’s what?
She’s taking the flowers, and…
And what?
And she’s giving him a big kiss.
He’s back down on one knee again. But this time he’s got something else.
A ring?
Yup, you got it.
Way to go, kid!

Murray, are you ready?
Who can ever be ready for something like this?
I know, but it is time.
Well, if it’s time, then it’s time.
Good luck, my friend.

Only one tray?
He didn’t make it.
Nurse, would you do me a favor, please? Would you take a look down at that park and tell me what you see?
Mr. Johnson, there’s nothing outside this window but a brick wall.



「健康新知:人人都有的癌症基因」- The Cancer Gene We All Have

[youtubelearn video_code="pOyKFgGKmHE" srt_name="cancergene" player_length=""]

Cancer is like a car crash. Your body typically regulates the speed at which your cells divide, but sometimes, cancer cuts the brake lines and your cells divide too quickly, accumulating mutations that cause them to veer away from their original function, form dangerous tumors, and land you in the hospital.

Cancer is basically an inability of the body to control the speed at which cells divide. When cells divide too quickly, they can often accumulate mutations that cause them to ignore their original function in the body, forming tumors. In turn, these tumors may interfere with the natural processes of the body, such as digestion and respiration, potentially leading to death.

Typically, your body has a number of genetic mechanisms to control how fast your cells divide. One of these genes is BRCA1, which stands for breast cancer susceptibility gene 1. BRCA1 belongs to a class of genes called tumor suppressor genes.

Tumor suppressor genes are involved in regulating how fast a cell divides. Normally, cell division follows an orderly process called the cell cycle, which is basically the life cycle of a cell. Within the cell cycle is a series of checkpoints, where proteins, such as the one produced by BRCA1, regulate how fast the cell may proceed.

How does it do this? BRCA1 helps repair some forms of mutation in your DNA. If your DNA is damaged, BRCA1 keeps the cell from dividing until the mutation is repaired. You have two copies of the BRCA1 gene in every cell of your body: one copy you inherited from Mom, the other from Dad. This redundancy is a good thing because you only need one functioning BRCA1 gene in a cell to regulate the cell cycle.

But it’s important to note that while these copies have a similar function, they’re not necessarily the same. In fact, there are hundreds of variations, or alleles, of BRCA1. Some regulate the cell cycle more effectively than others. In other words, some people are born with better regulating and repair mechanisms than others. And in some cases, mutations may render BRCA1 ineffective.

When this happens, cells with damaged DNA are allowed to divide. As they divide, these cells may accumulate additional mutations. These mutations may cause the cell to become less specialized and stop performing its original function in the tissue. If this occurs, then there’s a greater chance they’ll develop into cancer cells.

While we all have the gene, such as BRCA1, that can cause cancer, it’s only when these genes fail at their function that problems develop. Having an ineffective or mutated version of BRCA1 can increase your susceptibility to cancer, much like driving with bad brakes increases the risk of an accident.

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「你的孩子都看了些什麼?」- Alfonso: Common Sense Media Commercial

「你的孩子都看了些什麼?」- Alfonso: Common Sense Media Commercial

[youtubelearn video_code="19EW551nCS4" srt_name="alfonso" player_length=""]

Alright, Alfonso. I got you, buddy.

I got your money right here.

But you’re not gonna get it because you’re a rat.

You think I wouldn’t know?

You sold me out!

You’re a snitch!

Lilly, take him out!

I said, “Take him out!"

Are your kids watching the right movies? Go to CommonSense.org to find out.


「我們應該要吃蟲嗎?」- Should we eat bugs?

「我們應該要吃蟲嗎?」- Should we eat bugs?

[youtubelearn video_code="rDqXwUS402I" srt_name="eatbug_col" player_length=""]
















「餐餐麥當勞,也能瘦得了」- Science teacher gets surprising results from McDonald’s diet

「餐餐麥當勞,一樣瘦得了」- Science teacher gets surprising results from McDonald’s diet

[youtubelearn video_code="m-FBV3-pwDk" srt_name="mdteacher" player_length=""]

…with cheese meal.

The documentary Super Size Me featured a man who only ate McDonalds for a month. And the results he reported in the 2004 film were less than appetizing. And he claimed his health deteriorated significantly.

An Ankeny man, who is also a science teacher in the Colo-Nesco School District, put together his own amateur documentary looking at the fast food giant. And he and his team of students came to a much different conclusion.

Which picture of this man was taken after he had eaten nothing but McDonalds for 90 days?

The average Joe would say, “Well, it’d be that guy in the right." That’s what’s so amazing about this experiment. I can eat any food at McDonalds that I want as long as I’m smart for the rest of the day with what I balance it out with.

That was the theory science teacher, John Cisna, laid out for three of his students at Colo-Nesco High School this past fall: Ninety days of Mickey D’s for breakfast, lunch, and dinner but with strict daily nutritional limitations of 2,000 calories and trying to stay close to the recommended dietary allowances for nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fat calories, cholesterol.
那是理科老師John Cisna在去年秋天為他在Colo-Nesco高中三名學生所提出的理論:吃九十天麥當當的早、午、晚餐,加上嚴謹的兩千卡路里每日營養限制,並試著緊循著飲食營養攝取建議量,像是碳水化合物、蛋白質、脂肪卡路里、膽固醇。

Cisna approached the owner of the local McDonald’s franchise about the idea. The owner was so interested to see what the results were. He agreed to provide those 90 days of meals to Cisna at no charge.

I thought it was kind of crazy.

Cisna’s students used McDonalds’ online nutritional information to construct daily meals for their teacher, making sure to follow the nutritional limitations he had set.

A typical breakfast would be two Egg White Delights, a bowl of their maple oatmeal, and a one percent milk.

A salad for lunch would be followed by a more traditional Value Meal at dinner.

This isn’t something to say, “Well, he only went to McDonalds and ate salad." I had the Big Macs, I had a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, I had every…I had the sundaes, I had ice cream cones.

During this experiment Cisna turned into a mini documentary, he also started walking 45 minutes a day.

Well, my mind says, “Yes." My body says, “Holy buckets, Batman!"

And by the 90th day, Cisna reports he lost 37 pounds and his cholesterol dropped from 249 to 170.

I’m like, “Wow, that was a lot of difference."

I tell people not only can I see my shoes now, but I can actually tie them.

The moral of this gastronomic lesson isn’t to eat more at McDonalds, but to pay attention to your daily nutrition.

The point behind this documentary is that it’s a choice. We all have choices. It’s our choices that make us fat, not McDonalds.

Cisna isn’t surprised at the weight lose because he wasn’t exercising or watching his calories before he started this. But he is surprised at the large improvement in his blood now that he’s capping his nutrients at the recommended daily levels.


「勵志影片:夢想」- Motivational Video: Dream

「勵志影片:夢想」- Motivational Video: Dream

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I don’t know what that dream is that you have. I don’t care how disappointing it might have been as you’ve been working toward that dream. But that dream that you’re holding in your mind that is possible that some of you already know–that is hard. It’s not easy. It’s hard changing your life.

That in the process of working on your dreams, you are going to incur and incur a lot of disappointment, a lot of failure, a lot of pain. There are moments when you’re going to doubt yourself. You say, “God, why? Why is this happening to me? I’m just trying to take care of my children and my mother. I’m not trying to steal or rob from anybody. How does this have to happen to me?"

For those of you that have experienced some hardships, don’t give up on your dreams. The rough times are gonna come but they have not come to stay, they have come to pass.

Greatness is not this wonderful, esoteric, illusive, godlike feature that only the special among us will ever taste. You know, it’s something that truly exists in all of us.

It’s very important for you to believe that you’re the one.

Most people, they raise a family, they earn a living, and then they die. They stop growing, they stop working on themselves, they stop stretching, they stop pushing themselves. Then a lot of people like to complain, but they don’t wanna do anything about their situation.

And most people don’t work on their dreams, why? One is because of fear, the fear of failure, “What if things don’t work out?" and the fear of success, “What if they do and I can’t handle it?" These are not risk takers.

You spend so much time with other people, you spend so much time trying to get people to like you, you know other people more than you know yourself. You study them, you know about them, you wanna hang out like them, you wanna be just like them. And you know what? You’ve invested so much time on them. You don’t know who you are! I challenge you to spend time by yourself.

It’s necessary that you get the losers out of your life if you want to live your dream. But people who are running toward their dreams, life has a special kind of meaning.

When you become the right person, what you do is you start separating yourself from other people, you begin to have a certain uniqueness. As long as you follow other people, as long as you’re being a copycat, you will never ever be the best copycat in the world, but you will be the best you could be. I’m challenging you to define your value.

Then everybody won’t see it, then everybody won’t join you, then everybody won’t have the vision. It’s necessary to know that. But you are an uncommon breed. It’s necessary that you align yourself with people and attract people into your business who are hungry, people who are unstoppable and unreasonable, people who are refusing to live life just as it is and who want more.

The people that are living their dreams are finding winners to attach themselves to. The people that are living their dreams are the people that know that if it’s gonna happen, it’s up to them.

If you wanna be more successful, if you wanna have and do stuff you have never done before, number two, I’m asking you to invest in you. To invest in you.

Someone’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality. That you don’t have to go through life being a victim. And even though you face disappointments, you have to know within yourself that “I can do this, even if no one else sees it for me. I must see it for myself."

This is what I believe and I’m willing to die for it, period.

No matter how bad it is or how bad it gets, I’m going to make it!

I wanna represent an idea, I wanna represent possibilities.

And some of you right now, you wanna be…you know what I’m saying, you wanna go to next level. “I wanna counsel. You know, I wanna be a engineer, I wanna be a doctor." Listen to me, you can’t get to that level. You can’t get to that level economically where you want to be until you start invest in your mind. You’re not reading books. I’m challenging you all to go to the conferences.

I dare you to invest time, I dare you to be alone, I dare you to spent an hour to get to know yourself. When you become who you are, when you become the person that you are created to be, designed to be, who you were designed to be, when you become an individual, what you do is you take yourself and you start separating yourself from other people.

I’m challenging you to get to a place where people don’t like you or don’t even bother you no more. Why? Because you are not concerned with trying to make them happy; because you’re trying to blow up, you’re trying to get to the next level. I need you to invest in your mind, invest in your mind.

If you’re still talking about your dream, and if you’re still talking about your goals, but you have not done anything, just take the first step! You can make your parents proud, you can make your school proud, you can touch millions of people’s lives. And the world will never be the same again because you came this way. Don’t let nobody steal your dream.

And we face a rejection of a “No" or we have a meeting and no one shows up, or somebody say, “You can count on me," and they don’t come through. What if we had that kind of attitude, a cause repossessed? Nobody believes in you. You’ve lost again and again and again.

The lights are cut off, but you’re still looking at your dream, reviewing it everyday and saying to yourself, “It’s not over until I win." You can live your dream.


「美國天寒地凍的元兇:極地漩渦」- What You Need To Know About The Polar Vortex

「美國天寒地凍的元兇:極地漩渦」- What You Need To Know About The Polar Vortex

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Most of us would just called it cold, bone-chilling freaky cold, but if you wanna get fancy, call it: “…a polar vortex." “…hence are known as a polar vortex." “…the tragic polar vortex.

Here’s what you need to know.

With wind chills dropping into -60 degrees territory in some unfortunate parts of the country, you’ve probably heard the polar vortex is to blame. A polar vortex forms kind of like a hurricane, a fast-moving blast of frigid air that circles counterclockwise around the North or South Poles.

Now normally a polar vortex doesn’t come down as far into such dense population as it has. So what’s it doing here?

Basically, if there’s a warm air over Greenland or Alaska, air that’s colder and denser pushes air south, resulting in frigid temps like the ones we’re seeing across the U.S.

The white on this map shows you where the coldest air is. Right now it’s located right on the US-Canada border. There’s a little bit up here in Greenland and a big mass of cold air over Siberia where it’s supposed to be.

Now the good news is the U.S. as a whole should start warming up later this week, though, by “warming," we mean getting into the 30s or so in parts of the Midwest. Before that, though, according to the weather channel, by Tuesday, more than 70 cities are in for record-breaking cold.

For Time, I’m Megan Murphy.
時代雜誌,我是Megan Murphy。


「抱抱餐廳:Tim’s Place」- Tim’s Place: Where breakfast, lunch and HUGS are served!

「抱抱餐廳:Tim’s Place」- Tim’s Place: Where breakfast, lunch and HUGS are served!

[youtubelearn video_code="1OT5iU0RcAM" srt_name="timsplace" player_length=""]

I wake up at 5:30, get a shower, do my morning routine, go around 7:30 to come to work. I am so excited to go to work, so I do a dance-off in the parking lot. It’s a dance of magic. We serve breakfast, lunch, and hugs.The hugs are the best parts.

I am Tim Harris, and this is my place. Oh, yeah!
我是Tim Harris,這是我的地盤。喔耶!

Hey, guys. Welcome to our place. How you doing?

I’m good! How are you?

Those are the best part, buddy. I love you.

Have you been here before?

No, I’ve never been here before.

Well, I’m Tim. I’m the owner.

Tim’s Place is the special place to be at, because it’s run and operated by me.
Tim’s Place是個可以待著的特別地方,因為它是由我經營管理的。

Hey, you guys are doing a great job back here. I love you, guys. You guys are the best cooks ever.

Since I was a kid, I wanted to own a restaurant and asked my dad to help me out. I’m very glad I did.

Thank you, dad. I love you so much.

I love you too, buddy. I’m very proud of you.

When he was about 14 years old, he told us that someday he was going to own a restaurant. After we all gulped and gasped, we began to take him seriously, and the result is history in the making.

They support me so I can live up my dreams.

I’m amazingly proud of my brother—just what he’s accomplished in his lifetime. I mean, people can only dream, you know?

I love you all.

I love you too, honey.

As far as we know, we have not yet found another person with Down syndrome in this country that owns their own restaurant. We hope that other people will, though.

My favorite part of all is the people coming through that front door.

How are you doing today?

Good! How are you?

Sometimes, customers get sad. I give them a hug and then they feel a lot better.

Thank you, Tim.

The hugs are way more important than the food. The food is food, though.

How about a double hug?

Yeah, double hug.

I love you, guys.

I am a lean mean hugging machine. Oh, yeah!

So let me get this straight. Tim, you’re a restaurant steward, and a Special Olympics athlete, and you won a gold medal.

I won more medals than Michael Phelps.

Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!

I did not let my disability crush the dreams. With people who have disabilities, they can do anything they set their minds to. They’re special. We are a gift to the world.


「15個搞笑動作跳出優美現代舞」- Contemporary Dance How-To

「15個搞笑動作跳出優美現代舞」- Contemporary Dance How-To

[youtubelearn video_code="qQyALIEydbc" srt_name="contemdance" player_length=""]

Hi, my name is Eric Wilkerson, but my friends call me Contemporary Eric. Today, I’m gonna teach you how to do a contemporary dance. There are 15 moves that are in every contemporary dance. You can put these steps together in any sequence to songs such as Adele, Ani DiFranco, and Frou Frou, and you too can be a contemporary choreographer.
嗨,我的名字是Eric Wilkerson,但我的朋友們叫我現代艾瑞克。今天,我要教你怎麼跳現代舞。每套現代舞中有十五個動作。你可以將這些舞步組合以任何順序組合在一起,配上像是Adele、Ani DiFranco(美國歌手)、和Frou Frou(英國樂團)的歌,你也可以成為一名現代舞編舞者。

Helping me today is my assistant, Bich. Say hello, Bich.

Okay. Now let’s get started on learning the 15 steps.

1. The Knee
Where you have a very serious conversation with your knee, and then you put it down because you realize you shouldn’t be doing that.
1. 膝蓋

2. The Pants
Where you pull your pants down, and then you pull them back up really quickly because people are noticing.
2. 褲褲

3. The Zombie with Emotion
3. 有感情的殭屍

4. The “I Just Came out of a Well"
Where you use sign language to tell someone that you just come out of a well and you need help.
4. 我才剛從井爬出來

5. The Brat
Where you act like you’re kicking a fire hydrant and then you check to see if anyone notices that you’re mad.
5. 小屁孩

6. The Blind Man
Where you pretend you’re a blind man playing volleyball, but you don’t know when the volleyball is coming.
6. 盲人

7. The Pewp
Where you squat down because you have to poop, but then when it comes it surprises you, so you have to really cool afterward.
7. 便便

8. The Elbowless Hug
Where you reach out to give someone a hug as though you don’t have any elbows.
8. 沒有手肘的擁抱

9. The Bounce
Where you bounce on your heels to keep yourself from crying because you’re having a really really bad day.
9. 跳跳

10. The “This is Your Head"
10. 這是你的頭

11. The “Seriously Get Your Damn Hands off of Me"
As you can see.
11. 我說真的把你的髒手拿開

10. The Peekaboo
Where you get the audience a quick look at your “Whoala ha!"
10. 躲貓貓

13. The Leg
Where you run and jump into a split leap, but then you realize that your right leg was amputated from the knee down, so as you fall, you reach out to the audience for help. And when you get up, you realize that you need to stretch your hip flexor really really bad.
13. 腿腿

14. The Magnet
Where all of a sudden your underwear becomes the magnet for someone’s chest.
14. 磁鐵

14. The “Why is Your Head in My Hand?"
As you can see.
14. 為何你的頭在我手上?

And every number always finishes with one other move. It’s called—Go to Sleep, Bich.

Now watch as me and my assistant put these moves together to make a routine. We’ll put this routine to music and add emotion.

And that’s how you do contemporary dance. You can download this song from iTunes in the link below, then you can do your own contemporary dance using the contemporary dance steps. Post links to your video in the comment below, and I’ll give feedback.

Thanks for watching. Love, Contemporary Eric.

Can I get up?



「2013,多精采的一年啊!」- 2013 Year in Review: What A Year!

「2013,多精采的一年啊!」- 2013 Year in Review: What A Year!

[youtubelearn video_code="7vNy05_3QV4" srt_name="2013" player_length=""]

So long, 2013!
It’s time to send you on your way
With your chaos in Egypt, drones in Pakistan, the spying NSA!

A sequester and then a shutdown
Obamacare was finally here
Crack-smoking mayors
Carlos Danger
匿名Carlos Danger傳色情簡訊的美國議員
2013, what a year!

The pope said, “Arrivederci!"
We decided it’s okay for gays to wed
North West and then a royal baby
名媛金卡達夏的寶寶North West ,然後還有皇家寶寶
We really knocked them dead
我們確實把他們都擊斃了(美劇Breaking Bad主角)

New iPhones and Harlem Shaking
I got my twerking butt in gear
噁心!(批評麥莉扭臀舞的歌手Sinead O’ Connor)
My empire grew bigger
I said, (beep)
我說(消音)(失言叫人黑鬼的美國名廚Paula Deen)
2013, what a year!

Hey, what’s the holdup? I’m a TV actor
嘿,怎麼塞車了?我是電視演員(美國演員James Gandolfini)
Well, I’m a rock star
嗯,我是個搖滾明星(地下絲絨主唱Lou Reed)
I transformed a nation
我改造一個國家(南非前總統Nelson Mandela)
Show off!

Blockbuster, Batkid, Grand Theft Auto, and the fox said,

Floods and typhoons and twisters
They filled us all with dread and fear

There’s way more than we can even sing
Now it’s the end
2013, what a year!


「新年新希望:提昇自我」- How to Level Up

「如何提昇自我」- How to Level Up

[youtubelearn video_code="FFyo3s6DQFw" srt_name="levelup" player_length=""]

So you know how you’ll get really excited about starting a new project, whether it’s writing a book, or making a song on guitar, or completely reinventing yourself in the space you’re in. But then as the days go by, your enthusiasm fades and fades and fades until it just shrivels up and dies and you completely forget about it.

The first, most important, and hardest part of leveling up is deciding to. You have so much willpower. We as human beings, whenever we decide we really want something, we go after it and we make it happen.

There’s no such thing as “I’m too busy for that." It’s just “I don’t think I want to invest the time necessary to complete that goal," which brings me to the two biggest hurdles standing between you and what you want to accomplish: total time mismanagement and not setting realistic goals.

We throw so much time away just doing absolutely nothing. And then we have these grand goals and ideas and dreams that seem so overwhelming, that we never finish them because we don’t start off small. If you really wanna get something done, be honest with yourself.

So if you tell me, “I wanna write for two hours today."

“Are you really gonna write for two hours? Is that something that you are actually able to do?"


“How about an hour? How about 30 minutes? How about 15 minutes?"

“Fifteen minutes of writing? I can do that. Totally, totally doable."

So if you wanna reach this fabled level five, start managing your time and setting goals that you know that you can complete.

I use an AT-A-GLANCE planner. It breaks down the week per hour. It’s amazing, highly recommended. And whenever I cross something off of my list, I reward myself with a cookie or chocolate—something sweet, something delicious—that’s all that’s needed to get something out of me.

So you know, start leveling up because you totally can. It’s just a matter of deciding to and then going from there. Okay? Good luck. I’ll see you next week. Stay Awesome, Gotham.



「奧利佛美食團隊的聖誕大餐小訣竅」- Christmas Tricks and Tips from Jamie’s Food Team

「奧利佛美食團隊的聖誕大餐小訣竅」- Christmas Tricks and Tips from Jamie’s Food Team

[youtubelearn video_code="qggykdazTNg" srt_name="xmasfood" player_length=""]

Merry Christmas Food Tube!
聖誕快樂Food Tube!

I’m Charlie from Jamie’s Food Team. Here are my top three Christmas tricks and tips.

My first tip—individual roasted vegetable bags. Keeping them in these foil pouches clears up so much space in your hob, and it’s really gonna intensify the flavor. Just get another sheet of foil. One on top of the other, fold the edges so they’re nice and tight around the veg. Sprouts. And our final package.

So there we go, three different veg, three different toppings, stack them all up. And then you go! Loads of space. Easy as that! Let’s see what they’re like! They smell amazing! It saves on space, it saves washing up, it saves on time. So give it a go.

My next tip is all about store-cupboard ingredients. I’m gonna use mayo and I’m gonna flavor it three different ways.

First one—basil mayo. A bunch of basil, plunk them in. Give it a good whiz. Looks pretty cool, and it’s great in sandwiches.

Next one—roasted peppers in a jar. Just chop them up, chilli as well. Give them a mix.

Next up—garlic mayo. You only need about one clove. Give it a squeeze of lemon. Nice little stir.

That is three ways with mayonnaise. See what’s in your cupboards and have a go.

My next tip is to help you jazz up that shop-bought mincemeat. First, cranberries, they’re really meaty and juicy. Brandy, just gives that extra kick. Let’s go with a lime, some zest. Go in with the lemon. Give it a good squeeze with the juice as well. All it’s doing is just awakening those flavors. If you’ve got any leftovers, just put them in a jar, and it’ll keep for ages.

If you’ve got any great ideas, then I’d love to hear them. Just comment in the comments box below and don’t forget to subscribe to Food Tube.
如果你有任何好點子,那麼我樂於聽聽它們。就在下面的評論欄裡留言,別忘了訂閱Food Tube。

Have a very Merry Christmas.



「睡衣主播祝大家聖誕快樂」- Merry Christmas from the Holderness Family!

「睡衣主播一家子祝大家聖誕快樂」- Merry Christmas from the Holderness Family!

[youtubelearn video_code="2kjoUjOHjPI" srt_name="xmasjammy" player_length=""]

These are my Christmas jammies
It’s a Holder night
2013 in review
Video Christmas card part two

Dancing in the front yard night and day
And the neighbors walk by, and this is what they say,
“Are these Christmas jammies?"
They are Christmas jammies

Check it out! We just bought a Prius V
瞧瞧!我們剛買了一台Prius V (Toyota車種)
And it matches these perfectly

Wearing Christmas jammies

Now for Lola, 2013 was full-speed ahead
She now has a medal hanging over her bed
Because she ran a triathlon, and somehow
She looked like she was having fun

She can count to 100 in Chinese
And she can now read books about as thick as this
And if you wanna pay a visit to Lola’s room
You best get ready for a Rainbow Loom

Looming in the room while shaking your thing
She can play the piano and can also sing,
“In my Christmas jammies!"

My jammies fit me just right
But my daddy’s are a little tight

Penn Charles turning four, safe to say he wears superhero shirts every day
Penn Charles要四歲了,說他每天都穿著超人衣服也不為過
Is he smart in school?
Kind of hard to tell, because he just bats his eyes and all the teachers melt
And in case you didn’t see it, well we’re sure it’s pretty vital
That he dressed up like a chief and shook his hips in a recital

And now Penn’s taking a hip hop class
That musical ability is growing fast, kick it!

Christmas jammies
I love you so much

We know they look ridiculous
That’s why no one would dance with us
We’re wearing Christmas jammies

How about downtown?
That’s where all the hipsters go
Drinking the IPAs and staring at their phones

Look at my Christmas jammies!
Hashtag xmasjammies

What a year for Kim
For starters, she met him, got a part in Iron Man 3.
And then she spent a whole day with RDJ, and the result—right there
“That’s me!"

Even tougher to beat was her fitness feat
The Rally Ironman 70.3
Even though she got punched in the face near the start of the race
She still finished in 6:40

Rolling in the car going 25
And pushing the stroller up Northfolk Drive

These are Christmas jammies
Look at my Christmas jammies

There’s room for child number three
But I can’t, I just had a vasectomy

Recovering was easier in these Christmas jammies

Well, I think that maybe we should end with a multiple choice of what happened to Penn
Did he A. Run the same race as me
B. Have a tiny role in Iron Man 3
(I mean like, tiny. The role was so small)
(and short, was just, I mean you have to…we cannot blink)
C. Quiz the Governor about this first term
And D. Cut his knee while doing the worm
E. Take up CrossFit and fall in love
Well the answer is F. All of the Above

But the biggest thing is what happens next
Next month he’s stepping off the anchor’s desk
It’s the biggest decision of his life
He’s gonna quit his job and come work with his wife

We’ll be making videos just like this for politicians and company
Then we’ll do it in these jammies
In these Christmas jammies

He is hoping that all goes well
but what will I do with all this jell
Presents for our neighbors
In our Christmas jammies

Merry Christmas
We love you all
Visit TheGreenroom.com for more videos like this
You can also check out my new blog: the pennternet.com
Because you know, I’ve always wanted my own Internet

We’re gonna try this one more time, okay?


「羅禮士向范達美致敬」- Greetings from Chuck

「羅禮士向范達美致敬」- Greetings from Chuck

[youtubelearn video_code="T-D1KVIuvjA" srt_name="chucknorris" player_length=""]

Some says that ever ‘gainst that season comes

Wherein our Saviour’s birth is celebrated,

The bird of dawning singeth all night long

And then, they say, no spirit can walk abroad;

The nights are wholesome; then no planets strike,

No fairy takes, nor witch hath power to charm,

So hallowed and so gracious is the time.

So I brought to you that

Merry Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.



「寫本專屬自己的使用手冊」- Fitting In Cardboard

「寫本專屬自己的使用手冊」- Fitting In Cardboard

[youtubelearn video_code="LwNJZUZFt-U" srt_name="cardboard" player_length=""]

When I was younger I had this feeling that there was this handbook that I’d never gotten that explained how to be, how to laugh, what to wear, how to stand by yourself in a hallway.

Everyone else looks so natural, like, they’d all practiced together and knew exactly what to do, even just the way that they’d push the hair out of their face.

My experience was pretty much the opposite: I was conscious of how I sat and how I smiled. But when I was alone with another person, I had no idea what to do or what to say. I could just feel myself panic. It sucked.

I’d imagine what people were like when I wasn’t around: how they’d compare notes on how I didn’t quite fit. Or even worse, maybe they just wouldn’t notice.

So I tried to pick up the patterns. I wore what they wore, and said what they said. I even wrote “smile more" on a sticky note. And over time it sort of worked in a way. I made a version of me that fit in, whatever that means.

But as I grew older, the patterns kept changing. And I took so much effort to keep learning them. And I was still stuck with the problem that I started with: being terrified at the moment when my tricks stop working.

I think it took me too long to learn something. That even though there is a thing called fitting in, that is something that you can learn and practice. Those pages are so thin compared to who you are. That the way to become natural, like I wanted to be so badly, is by forgetting what you’re trying to beat other people.

If there is a handbook, you probably get to write it yourself.


「全是假的!神準飛刀影片大解密」- Miss Ping Debunk

「全是假的!神準飛刀影片大解密」- Miss Ping Debunk

[youtubelearn video_code="W8sGTh7ZpoY" srt_name="pingpong" player_length=""]

Greetings, children. Captain Disillusion here.

Viral marketing is a disgusting, sounding, but fascinating thing. It’s complicated yet laughably predictable. Whether you’re advertising a product or promoting your own web series of crazy stunts with a quirky name, like, I don’t know, Tumba Ping Pong Show, getting views is hard.

You slave away producing clever stunt videos for months, collecting modest hits by modern standards. And then it hits you: put a somber blond bird on it. The numbers speak for themselves.

Not to take anything away from the substance of the video, which features astonishing precision knife throwing and catching using ping pong paddles, it’s an impressive looking stunt that has viewers all over the webs scratching their heads and bandaging their fingers.

It looks dangerous but it’s 100 percent faked. I will show you exactly how they did it right now.

But first, let’s take a moment to talk about our sponsor. This week’s Captain Disillusion is brought to you by Knives: they cut and they don’t ask no f**king questions.

And now, back to the show.

Like my uncle used to say, “Life would a lot easier if you could make things invisible." And with visual effects, you can by cloning pixels of the surrounding area to paint away an object. But doing it frame by frame in a long video is time-consuming, so you have to be clever and keep those digital invisibility moments to a minimum.

Miss Pink flips her paddles at the moment they’re struck by the knives not for extra flair, but because the knives are in the paddles the whole time. And it’s simpler to erase the smaller knife tips from the plain gray surfaces.

This is the reason for the offbeat choreography. She begins with the paddles hidden and incidentally with a ping pong ball inside her mouth for later, then turns quickly exposing the side view of the paddles for only a few frames, making for lesser erasing work. Unfortunately, one of the knives grazed her skirt, and that’s not so easy to get rid of.

Once she’s in position, Mr. Slightly Mad Max displays some real knives. He then proceeds to serve them to his paddle, but in reality he simply pulls them away and lets them quietly drop off screen onto a soft surface such as a…

Captain D’s Bang Be Gone sound damping blanket, available with free shipping to the Alpha Quadrant for a limited time.

Watches these knives defy the laws of physics, gliding into proper position to be struck. What you’re really seeing is a transition to fake compositive images of thrown knives, whose carefully keyframed, motion-blurred outlines are only on screen for a handful of frames to guide your eyes to the other real knives waiting in Ms. Pink’s paddles.

Same deal with the ping pong ball at the very end—real ball stilled, fake ball passed, real ball mouth-revealed.

During the big pineapple finish, you don’t even see the digitally compositive knife land. You only hear the sound which they capture separately, likely right on location for added authenticity.

But that’s not the part we care about. How did the CG knife slice the very obviously real pineapple? Granted we only have a highly compressed Internet video to work with, but even here with a lot of processing and very little social life, we can spot the oldest trick in the book: a string.

Confucius was right: a pre-cut half of a pineapple yanked off by fishing line at just the right moment can impress 2.5 million Internet users. Strings—they never get old.

Well, I hope you learn something. In the world of viral marketing, performing an unbelievable stunt on video will get you far. Faking one and doing it well will get you further still. Faking it mediocrely but with the right distraction will get you to the top.

But now I’m afraid it’s time for me to go, kids. A grade schooler in Illinois can’t find her favorite red shoe. Remember—love with your heart, use your head for everything else!

Captain Disillusion!

註一:they don’t ask no questions是所謂雙重否定的用法,在正式文法上原本應該反過來當作「肯定」的意思,但在此處我們看到他要表達的很明顯還是「否定」的用法。那為什麼這樣用呢?原本這樣的用法是出自美國教育程度較低的族群的誤用,後來因為誤用頻率太過頻繁,大家漸漸習慣理解之後也就約定成俗,有時候在口語表達的時候,有些人少數時候為了「加強語氣」會這樣使用。



「從天而降的聖誕禮物」- WestJet Christmas Miracle

「從天而降的聖誕禮物」- WestJet Christmas Miracle

[youtubelearn video_code="zIEIvi2MuEk" srt_name="xmaspresent" player_length=""]

‘Twas a night before Christmas and all across the land, the good folks of WestJet had a miracle planned.

On the eve before flying, the guests were in their beds. Visions of traveling danced in their heads. While out on the runway, something secret had arrived. It was left in the lounge. ‘Twas a Christmas surprise.

Hello, there! Is that Cohen? What are you looking for Christmas this year, Cohen?

A choo-choo train? Ho ho ho…a classic! Do you like Thomas?

What would mommy and daddy like for Christmas?

Big TV.

Yeah, big TV.

Ho ho ho, a big TV!

You’re looking fabulous!

Oh, I need you.

It’s okay if you just wanna stare at me as well, ho ho ho.

What I need is new socks and underwear.

An Android tablet.

Is that William beside you? And Kevin?

Some Santa boots.

While guests told their Christmas wishes to good old Saint Nick, WestJetters took notes, and got ready to shop quick. It was a great rush with the two flights in the air to get all those presents. Not a moment to spare.

Thanks for flying with us, WestJet. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the rest of your flight.

But was everything ready? We all had to wait for the moment of truth at Carousel 8.

Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas!

No way!

Where is the Hughes family?

Oh my god!

The guests never expected what they asked of Saint Nick would actually appear. It was all quite a trick. A WestJetter would say it was more than mere fun, miracles do happen when we all work as one.

We’ll give Santa the last word on this most special night: Merry Christmas to all. And to all, a good flight, ho ho ho…

註一:’Twas 是 It was 的縮寫,常在童話故事的開頭使用。


「世界上最古老的機器人」- The Writer Automaton

「世界上最古老的機器人」- The Writer Automaton

[youtubelearn video_code="laJX0txJc6M" srt_name="thewriter_col" player_length=""]



它是在瑞士由Pierre Jaquet-Droz--瑞士最偉大的鐘錶匠之一製作出來的。目標是,我猜,是要將動機給機械化,並讓熱情自動化。當他在1770年代早期設計並製作出這個傑作時,Jaquet-Droz大約五十歲。







「Gabriel Iglesias脫口秀:印度阿三搶銀行」- Gabriel Iglesias: Hard Working Indians

「Gabriel Iglesias脫口秀:印度阿三搶銀行」- Gabriel Iglesias: Hard Working Indians

[youtubelearn video_code="Tu_m5diSk4k" srt_name="indian" player_length=""]

Some of the places we’re planning on performing this next year…we’re talking about going to Germany. We’re talking about going to Bulgaria. And India, India’s on the list of new places we’re gonna visit.

And I’m excited about India. You know when I was telling people in England that we’re going to, you know, to India, I had Indian people telling me, “Oh, that’s gonna be amazing when you go there. You’re gonna enjoy it. You’re gonna love it. It’s amazing."

And I just stare, and that guy goes, “What are you staring?"

I go, “Because your voice doesn’t match."

“Oh, you think we all sound like…"

“I’m sorry. I live in America. Indians over there keep it real."

I’m sorry!

And I have nothing but love and respect for Indian people. I’m gonna tell you something right now. Indian people in the United States are the hardest working people I have ever seen, and that’s coming from a Mexican, okay?

And I’ll tell you why I say this. You’ll never see an Indian person with a sign that says, “We’ll work for food" in the United States. And you’ll never see an Indian person committing a crazy crime. Like, when was the last time you heard of Indians robbing a bank?

“Look here, buddy!" “Oh, I can’t remember, bro."

Because it doesn’t happen! First of all, Indian people are so nice, and they’re so sweet. And I can’t see it. You know, if you’re gonna rob a bank, you need authority. You need to come in with guns and blaze, “I say, get your ass on the ground. NOW!"

I can’t imagine, “Would you please take the money?"

“Why are you laughing?"

“I am talking to you."

“Forget this. I’m out of here. I don’t need this."

He gets in the car. His partner’s waiting for him, “Did you get the money?"

“They would not give me the money!"

“Did you show them the gun?"

“I show them the gun!"

“We better leave. They’re going to call the police."

“They are still laughing."

“Where did you get the computer?"

“They thought I was tech support!"


註二:墨西哥人的刻板印象是相當懶散。講者Gabriel Iglesias本身就是墨西哥人,這句話主要是要暗示,由懶散的墨西哥人口中說出某人很勤勞時,並不一定中肯。


「名人豪宅大直擊:空中飛人Michael Jordan」- Michael Jordan’s Residence Auction

「空中飛人Michael Jordan豪宅大直擊」- Michael Jordan’s Residence Auction

[youtubelearn video_code="3lf_w0olusA" srt_name="jordanhouse" player_length=""]

The 23 on the front of the gate says it all. This is Michael Jordan’s house. That’s about to change. On November 22, this legendary property, designed, built and lived in by Michael Jordan for 19 years—we’ll sell it to the highest bidder. We are giving you a chance to see it like never before. Time to see behind the 23.
大門前方的23說明了一切。這是Michael Jordan的房子。那即將要改變了。在十一月二十二日,這個傳奇性的房地產,由Michael Jordan設計、建造及居住了十九年--我們要把它賣給最高的出價者。我們要給你個前所未有的機會一探究竟。是時候看看23後面的東西了。

In the next few minutes, an all-access pass to Michael Jordan’s ultra private compound.
在接下來幾分鐘,是一張到Michael Jordan超級私人豪宅的暢遊通行證。

He was demanding that if you’re gonna come to the Breakfast Club, you’re gonna work.

A former teammate reveals why Jordan’s home was key to the Bull’s six titles. And the ultimate home court advantage—we are on the hardwood of Jordan’s personal basketball complex plus an island to escape. You’ve never seen a pool quite like this.

With a home this big, where do you start? Let’s go one on one with Michael’s listing agent Katherine Malkin and get the flow of the home.
有個這麼大的家,你要從哪開始?來和Michael的房仲Katherine Malkin一對一走訪這間豪宅。

He sort of lays it out so that you have living space here, office space over there, dining and kitchen.

We had to stop in the dining room and show you a table that simply puts this room on the map.

The table was actually made for him, and it’s called the Baghdad table, so it is actually set up like the city of Baghdad like a map grid.

And all of the furniture will stay with the home? They all stay.

And every room perfectly captures the light, whether it’s the floor-to-ceiling formal living room, the great room, a relaxing private corner, or the eye to the sky above the kitchen table.

And the kitchen, which was redone more recently, is really set up so that a chef can cook here or a family can cook here. A wonderful refrigerator, freezer and wine storage space—but also, every appliance you could possibly mount just here.

After kitchen, step down into the great room lined with aquariums and this over-sized sectional. As you’ll see, this is one of several hangouts around the home that Michael designed for family and friends.

When Jordan first built this home and moved in in 1994, this was an indoor swimming pool. Now look at this space—110-inch screen, great lounging area. You’ve got a bar over here. And then the walls on both side of this room completely disappear with ease. It’s the ultimate indoor-outdoor living.

In fact, this sprawling patio can be accessed from six different areas of the home. At the center of it all—paradise, a one-of-a-kind infinity-edge pool. Smack in the middle, your personal island oasis. From a design perspective, this entire section of the home plays off the views and axes of the pool and patio, including the three-bedroom guest wing.

The guest house has its own entrance, but it’s also connected to the house. I was worried that maybe somebody would come and stay and never leave. So nice!

And the guest house leads you to the most talked-about spot in the home.

There’s definitely different feeling when you come into this part of the house. I mean, can you imagine who probably sat around these chairs? Why? Look over my shoulder. That’s Michael Jordan’s private, regulation-size, NBA-quality basketball court.
當你走進屋裡這部份時會有絕對不同的感受。我是說,你能想像有誰也許曾四處坐在這些椅子上嗎?為什麼?看看我肩膀後方。那是Michael Jordan的私人、標準尺寸、NBA品質的籃球場。

Now, this is what I’m talking about. I mean, listen to that sound. And that shot, you know what I’m talking about. Game 6, Utah Jazz, over Bryon Russell. I’m thinking there’s a pretty good chance Jordan had already rehearsed for that exact moment right here. But title-clinching shots come with a price.
現在,我說的就是這個。我是說,聽聽那聲音。那一球,你知道我在說什麼。第六場,爵士隊,面對 Bryon Russell。我在想有蠻有可能Jordan已經在這裡為那確切的一刻排演過了。但奪下冠軍的那球是要付出代價的。

And nobody would think that the greatest player that would play the game would put in that much work before he gets on the court. You know, it was amazing to watch, it was amazing to witness.

Randy Brown is talking about the Breakfast Club. The current assistant general manager of the Chicago Bulls won three titles with Jordan, and was part of the group of players who would regularly train at Jordan’s home.
Randy Brown正在談論早餐俱樂部。現任芝加哥公牛隊的副總經理和Jordan一起贏下三座冠軍,也是會在Jordan家定期訓練的那群球員之一。

It really started up with Michael, him and Tim Grover, and it kind of spilled over to Scottie, Ron Harper, and then myself.
其實是從Michael開始,他和Tim Grover,然後好像擴展到Scottie、Ron Harper、然後我自己。

They would hit Michael’s weight room down at the lower level of the house in the mornings before practicing with the rest of the team.

They were intense.

But, where did the name Breakfast Club really come from?

The chef was there. You know, it was easy for, you know, us to go work out and then have breakfast with a chef.

Things have changed since the days in the Breakfast Club. The home has seen an extensive renovation, including much of the lower level.

You get the wine cellar, and it’s behind it, but this used to be the exercise room. Now it became a card room, a cigar room, just sort of a boy’s room.

And you would expect if this is cigar room and there’s a humidor right over here that you would smell smoke or something since this is a cigar room.

Nothing. So there’s a system that takes out all of the air that’s not pure. It just smells good, every part of the house, all filtered out.

We told you there were some amazing hangout spots in the house, and we’re not done yet. Let’s go upstairs to a place that very few have seen.

When Jordan wasn’t winning championships with the balls, he was relaxing around his property. This was one of his favorite spots. This is actually the upstairs library, a room that he built when he remodeled the home in 2009. You got your drop-down screen. And take a look at this space over here. In the adjacent room, there’s the pool table.

And the doors to this wing, not just the doors, but these are the doors that welcome guests to the original Playboy Mansion in Chicago up until 1974.

You really can’t do better than this. That’s the great thing about the whole property. It’s that when you’re outside, you have an area that’s completely away and on its own. And you’re close to Chicago, so you have all of the things that you would want to do maybe in a big city.

So we’ve shown you the 56,000-square-foot home, amazing. But this is a seven-plus-acre property. Michael brought in over 150 trees to line the property, creating ultra seclusion, ultra privacy. Then you have a pond fully stocked, a tennis court. It almost feels like you’re on your own private golf course. After all, there is a PGA-grade putting green right outside your door. And where else in the world will you find Jumpman flags? Pretty cool.

The home, the seven plus acres, the legendary history—indeed an all-star lineup.

I’m here with Nick Leonard. He is with Concierge Auctions and he’s actually the project manager here at Jordan’s house. This originally listed at 29 million dollars. You’re telling me this will go to the highest bidder?
我在這和Nick Leonard一起。他是Concierg Auctions的人,且他事實上是Jordan房子這裡的專案經理。這本來出價兩千九百萬美金。你告訴我這將會賣給最高出價者?

Yeah, the property is gonna sell to the highest bidder on November 22.

And a lot of people may be surprised that Jordan is auctioning his house.

We do this all the time. You know, fame would help. Michael Jordan has a lot similarities…he’s been our typical seller. He’s an extremely savvy, very successful business person. He has a spectacular property, one-of-a-kind, and he’s not using it. So he is taking control of the market, he is setting a sale date, he is gonna auction it to the highest bidder. For anybody who has any interest, it’s now or never.
我們一向在做這種事。你知道,名氣會有所幫助。Michael Jordan有許多相似處…他是我們典型的賣家。他是位非常精明、非常成功的商人。他有一個絕佳的房地產、獨一無二,而他沒有在使用它。所以他在掌控市場,他正訂出拍賣的日期,他要拍賣給出價最高的競標者。對於那些有些許興趣的任何人,此時不買,更待何時?

If you’d like more information, just go to concierge.auction.com or call the number on your screen. Ok, I’ve got an official Chicago Bull’s basketball right here. I’m going to put the pressure on Nick, and ask him to sink a NBA three on Michael Jordan’s home court. Do you think you can do it?
如果你想要更多資訊,就去看看concierge.auction.com,或是撥打螢幕上的電話。好的,我在這有顆官方的芝加哥公牛隊籃球。我要把壓力加諸在Nick身上,要他在Michael Jordan的家庭球場投顆NBA的三分球。你覺得你能做到嗎?



Did he get it? Apparently greatness rubs off.

Don’t forget: a new owner come November 22 to the highest bidder.


「水力壓裂法的危機」- Fracking explained: opportunity or danger

「開採頁岩油背後的危機」- Fracking explained: opportunity or danger

[youtubelearn video_code="Uti2niW2BRA" srt_name="fracking" player_length=""]

What is hydraulic fracturing, or fracking? Since the industrial revolution, our energy consumption has risen unceasingly. The majority of this energy consumption is supplied by fossil fuels like coal or natural gas.

Recently there has been a lot of talk about a controversial method of extracting natural gas: hydraulic fracturing or fracking. Put simply, fracking describes the recovery of natural gas from deep layers inside the earth. In this method, porous rock is fractured by the use of water, sand and chemicals in order to release the enclosed natural gas.

The technique of fracking has been known since the 1940s. Nonetheless, only in the last 10 years has there been quite a “fracking boom," especially in the USA.

This is because most conventional natural gas sources in America and on the European continent have been exhausted. Thus prices for natural gas and other fuels are rising steadily. Significantly more complicated and expensive methods, like fracking, have now become attractive and profitable.

In the meantime, fracking has already been used more than a million times in the USA alone. Over 60 percent of all new oil and gas wells are drilled by using fracking.

Now, let’s take a look at how fracking actually works. First, a shaft is drilled several hundred meters into the earth. From there, a horizontal hole is drilled into the gas-bearing layer of rock. Next, the fracking fluid is pumped into the ground using high-performance pumps.

On average, the fluid consists of eight million liters of water, which amounts to about the daily consumption of 65,000 people, plus several thousand tons of sand and about 200,000 liters of chemicals.

The mixture penetrates into the rock layer and produces innumerable tiny cracks. The sand prevents the cracks from closing again. The chemicals perform various tasks. Among other things, they compress the water, kill off bacteria or dissolve minerals.

Next, the majority of the fracking fluid is pumped out again. And now the natural gas can be recovered. As soon as the gas source is exhausted, the drill hole is sealed. As a rule, the fracking fluid is pumped back into deep underground layers and sealed in there.

However, fracking is also associated with several considerable risks. The primary risk consists in the contamination of drinking water sources. Fracking not only consumes large quantities of fresh water, but in addition the water is subsequently contaminated and is highly toxic. The contamination is so severe that the water cannot even be cleaned in the treatment plant.

Even though the danger is known and theoretically could be managed, in the USA already, sources have been contaminated due to negligence. No one yet knows how the enclosed water will behave in the future, since there have not yet been any long-term studies on the subject.

The chemicals used in fracking vary from the hazardous to the extremely toxic and carcinogenic, such as benzol or formic acid. The companies using fracking say nothing about the precise composition of the chemical mixture, but it is known that there are about seven hundred different chemical agents which can be used in the process.

Another risk is the release of greenhouse gases. The natural gas recovered by fracking consists largely of methane, a greenhouse gas which is twenty-five times more potent than carbon dioxide. Natural gas is less harmful than coal when burned.

But nonetheless, the negative effects of fracking on the climate balance are overall greater. Firstly, the fracking process requires a very large consumption of energy. Secondly, the drill holes are quickly exhausted, and it’s necessary to drill fracking holes much more frequently than for classical natural gas wells.

In addition, about three percent of the recovered gas is lost in the extraction and escapes into the atmosphere. So how is fracking and its expected benefits to be assessed when the advantages are balanced against the disadvantages?

When properly employed, this technique offers one way in the short to medium term to meet our demand for lower-cost energy, but the long-term consequences of fracking are unforeseeable, and the risk to our drinking water thus should not be underestimated.


「我們的寶貝之歌」- We Have Some News…

「我們的寶貝之歌」- We Have Some News…

[youtubelearn video_code="-cRnOMuOEII" srt_name="havebaby" player_length=""]

Baby, I want you to know
Yeah, that I love you so
I wrote a little lullaby

Baby, now it won’t be long
Till I sing you this song
Anytime you start to cry

It’s strange to contain my excitement
I can barely get to sleep at night when
I know that in a couple of months I’ll be holding you with my arms
Baby, baby, baby

Baby, I want you to understand
I will be there to hold your hand
I’ll be right beside you all my life
I’ll be there to sing you to sleep at night
Woo, baby
This little lullaby


「Google Earth:Saroo Brierley的返鄉之路」- Saroo Brierley: Homeward Bound

「Google地圖:Saroo Brierley的返鄉之路」- Saroo Brierley: Homeward Bound

[youtubelearn video_code="UXEvZ8B04bE" srt_name="googlehome" player_length=""]

It was 26 years ago, and I was just about to turn five.

We got to the train station, and we boarded our train together. My brother just said, “Stay here and I’ll come back." I just thought, “Well, you know, I must just go to sleep, and then he would just wake me up." And when I woke up the next day, the whole carriage was empty on a runaway train, a ghost train, taking me I don’t know where.

I was adopted out to Australia to an Australian family. My mom had decorated my room with the map of India, which she put next to my bedside. I woke up every morning seeing that map, and hence it sort of kept the memories alive.

People would say, “You’re trying to find a needle in a haystack, so you’ll never find it." Now I have flashes of the place that I used to go, the flashes of my family faces. There was the image of my mother sitting down with her legs crossed. I was just watching her cry. Life is just so hard. That was my treasure.

I was looking at Google Map, and realized there was Google Earth as well, a world where you can zoom into. I started to have all these thoughts and what possibilities that this could do for me. I said to myself, well, you know, “You’ve got all that photographic memories and landmarks where you’re from, and you know what the town looks like. This could be an application that you could use to find your way back."

I thought I’ll put a dot on Calcutta train station and a radius line that, you know, you should be searching around this area. I sort of came across these train tracks, and I started following it, and I came to a train station, which reflected the same image that was in my memories.

Everything matched. I just thought, “Yeah, I know where I’m going. I’m just gonna let the map that I have in my head lead me and take me back to my hometown."

I came to the doorstep of the house that I was born, and walked around about 50 meters around the corner. There were three ladies standing outside adjacent to each other. And the middle one stepped forward, and I just thought, “This is your mother." She came forward. She hugged me. And, you know, we were there for about five minutes.

She grabbed my hand, and she took me to the house, and got on the phone and she rang my sister and my brother to say that, you know, “Your brother has just all of a sudden appeared like a ghost!" And then the family was reunited again.

Everything’s all good. I help my mother out. She doesn’t have to be slaving away. She can live the rest of her life in peace.

It was a needle in a haystack, but the needle was there. Everything’s there. Everything we have in the world is the tap of a button, but you’ve got to have the will and the determination to wanting it.


「氣候變遷與大洋輸送帶」- Climate Change & the Global Conveyor Belt

「氣候變遷與大洋輸送帶」- Climate Change & the Global Conveyor Belt

[youtubelearn video_code="UuGrBhK2c7U" srt_name="globalconveyor" player_length=""]

The ocean conveyor belt and the Gulf Stream

Ocean currents have a direct influence on our lives. They determine our weather, our climate, and much more. The ocean currents and wind systems transport heat from the equator to the poles, and operate like a large engine for the global climate.

In the oceans, there are numerous currents. The circled ocean conveyor belt is very important for our climate. This term describes a combination of currents that result in the four of the five global oceans exchanging water with each other. They form a world-wide circulation system.

The conveyor belt is also called the Thermohaline Circulation, with thermo referring to the temperature, and haline to the salt content of the water. Both determine the density of the water.

While the masses of water may be moved in part by wind, primarily the different densities of the global oceans are responsible for that movement. Warm water has a lower density and rises, while cold water sinks. The water’s density also increases with a higher salt content.

At the equator, the heat from the sun is especially strong, resulting in a lot of evaporation, and there’s a rise in the water salt content. That is where the Gulf Stream begins.

The Gulf Stream is very important for the European climate. Its length of ten thousand kilometers makes it one of the largest and fastest ocean currents on earth, and it’s very warm. At roughly two meters a second, it brings up to one hundred million cubic meters of water per second towards Europe.

A constantly blowing wind, the southeast trade wind, drives warm surface water to the northwest, into the Gulf of Mexico, where it heats up to thirty degree Celsius.

The turning of the earth and the west winds then direct the Gulf Stream towards Europe, and split it up. One part flows south, another east to the Canary Current, and the third part flows north, where it releases a lot of heat into the atmosphere as the North Atlantic Current.

The water becomes colder there. Its salt content and the density rise on account of evaporation, and it drops down between Greenland, Norway and Iceland.

There we also find the largest waterfall on earth, the so-called Chimneys, roughly fifteen-kilometer-wide pillars with water falling up to four thousand meters, seventeen million cubic meters of water per second, or roughly fifteen times more water than it’s carried by all the rivers in the world.

This creates a strong maelstrom, which constantly pulls in new water, and it’s the reason that the Gulf Stream moves towards Europe.

Countless species use the Gulf Stream as a means of transport on their trips from the Caribbean to northern areas, but it doesn’t just bring us animals, an enormous quantity of warm air also comes with it.

In order to produce the same heats which it brings to the shores of Europe, we would need one million nuclear power plants. That’s why we also call the Gulf Stream a heat pump. Without it, the temperature would be significantly colder here at least five to ten degrees. Instead of lush fields, we would have long winters and sparse, ice-covered landscapes in Europe.

In the last few years, scientists and pundits in the media have repeatedly expressed the fear that the Gulf Stream could come to a standstill due to climate change, because if the polar caps actually melt, the salt content in the water of Greenland would fall, as would its density. The North Atlantic Current would no longer be heavy enough, and so it wouldn’t sink as usual. In the worst case, that would bring the Gulf Stream, our heat pump, to a stop.

Some climate experts also assume that climate change could compensate for this effect. We know that it can be normal for the climate to change by looking at the development of the Earth over the last few million years. There are ice ages and warm periods. In the last ice age, a gigantic flood of melting water crippled the heat-bringing North Atlantic Current, covering the northern hemisphere in ice.

Scientists have different views on the impact the climate change will have on the global ocean conveyor belt, but one thing is clear: When the climate changes, then the complex system of ocean currents and winds, which has remain fairly stable since the last ice age, will change in ways that we don’t yet understand.


「會融化的桌遊」- GEOlino Meltdown: The First Board Game That Melts.

「會融化的桌遊」- GEOlino Meltdown: The First Board Game That Melts.

[youtubelearn video_code="Nla7yvypvJI" srt_name="meltdowngame" player_length=""]

Global warming is changing our world. And even though we might not feel it, there are people who one day will: our children. Whether climate change can be stopped depends on them, but they still know far too little about it.

GEOlino, the Gruner+Jahr science magazine for children wants to change that not with dull theory, but in a playful way. The idea—MELTDOWN, the first board game that melts.

With a bit of water in the special ice tray, children can build their own Arctic. The aim of the game is to guide a polar bear family to safety on the mainland. It’s a race against time, as the path leads across real, slowly melting ice floes.

MELTDOWN isn’t played against each other but with each other. After all, climate change can only be stopped if everyone takes part.

The game was presented at schools as part of a series of lectures. The children save lots of polar bears, whilst also learning something about imminent climate change.

Parents can now introduce the topic of climate change to their children at home.

Of course, MELTDOWN can’t stop global warming, but it can help raise children’s awareness. Climate change can still be stopped. They just have to start early enough.


「超『巧克力棒』的!」- Chocolate Bar For A Cure Video

「超『巧克力棒』的!」- Chocolate Bar For A Cure Video

[youtubelearn video_code="d9Gh-NU_d3Y" srt_name="chocolatebar" player_length=""]

Hello! My name is Dylan, and I’m six years old.

I wrote a book named Chocolate Bar to raise money for my friend, Jonah’s charity. It’s about what’s awesome to me.

I like to go to the beach. That is so chocolate bar.

Dylan is Jonah’s best friend. He decided a couple of months ago that he wanted to write a book to help raise a million dollars for finding a cure for my son’s rare liver condition, Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1b.

I felt good when my friend was trying to help me, so I can get better and feel like other people. It was so chocolate bar.

After Dylan finished the pages, he handed them to us and said, “Will you go make copies?" He was really persistent and really passionate. We knew that we had to take actions. Dylan has touched us so much. It’s beautiful. It’s so beautiful.

Thank you for helping us find a cure for him, because we’re gonna do it with all of your help. Thank you so much!

It’s been an amazing, amazing journey for us as parents to see another parents, child do this. We’ve got a little choked up with emotion.

I like to help my friend. That is the biggest chocolate bar.

We’re really, really thrilled to get behind this project, because we knew it would send the message out to other children that they have power. It doesn’t matter if you’re six years old, or thirty, or a hundred. If you have a big idea and a big heart, and you wanna make something happen, you can do it.




「《樂高玩電影》預告片」- The LEGO Movie Official Main Trailer

[youtubelearn video_code="fZ_JOBCLF-I" srt_name="legomovie" player_length=""]

Ok, and we’re rolling, and action.

Just go ahead when you’re ready.

Sorry, I wasn’t listening. I’ve just been Bat-mailing on my Bat-phone.

Yeah, can you just do the line, please?

I am Batman.

No, the other line. Alright.

I was about to say some baloney about how you should click that skip button.

Yeah, the sooner you do that, the sooner we can show people the trailer of The LEGO Movie.

Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine! Crank up those subwoofers, dude, and check this out.

Good morning, apartment. Ready to start the day. Jumping Jacks. Hit them. One, two, three. I’m so pumped-up!

Yes, overpriced coffee. That’s thirty-seven dollars. Awesome!

Oh my gosh! I love this song!

No, guys! Wait up!

Where am I?

Come with me if you wanna not die.

What is happening?

You’re the Special, and the prophecy states that you’re the most important person in the universe. That’s you, right?

Yes, that’s me.

Relax everybody! I’m here. Batman? Awesome!

Who are you here to see? I’m here to see your butt.

Oh my gosh!

First try!

My fellow Master Builders (Hello), Lord Business plans to end the world as we know it. There is yet one hope. The Special has arisen.

I know what you’re thinking, “He is the least qualified person to lead us." And you are right. A house divided against itself would be better than this. Abraham Lincoln!

I’m not the Special. I’m just a regular, normal guy.

You have the ability to be the Special, because I believe in you.

Robots, destroy him!

Aloha, loser!

We will “wing" it. It’s a Bat pun.

Take them to the molding chamber.

Isn’t there supposed to also be a good cop? Hi buddy! Would you like a glass of water? Yeah, actually… Too bad!

We’re entering your mind. What?!

I don’t think he’s ever had an original thought. That’s not true. Introducing the double-decker couch, so everyone can watch TV together and be buddies!

That’s literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Let me handle this. That idea is just the worst.

To the Batmobile. Dang it!

To the Invisible Jet! Dang it!


「如何轉身運球?」- How to Do a Reverse Dribble

「如何轉身運球?」- How to Do a Reverse Dribble

[youtubelearn video_code="skK0uGQemLE" srt_name="reversedribble" player_length=""]

Right now we’ll talk about how to do a reverse dribble, more commonly known as a spin dribble. This dribble technique is good and can be utilized effectively if you’re dribbling low, and it gives you an opportunity to change direction while really protecting the basketball, because you’ll always have your body between the ball and the defender, making it more difficult for the ball to get stolen.

Right now I’ll show you how I’ll look stationary, and then we’ll have Sammy and George do a drill that we like to do going up and down the court. So the first thing is we want to stay low with the basketball.

Okay. So now we’ll pretend…let’s put the ball down for a second, George. And we’ll pretend that George is guarding me right here, okay. So now, as George is guarding me in this particular drill, I want to take the ball. And as I’m dribbling in one direction and I get him leaning, I’m going to plant and pivot with my left foot.

Okay, notice how now my body is between the basketball and the defender. And now I’m going to use that to spin off of him and go the opposite way, still protecting the basketball.

Now one of the things that you want to make sure that you do is protect the ball on the spin. What people do sometimes is this: As they’re dribbling the basketball, they’ll go and turn their body, but leave the basketball behind them and get the ball stolen.

Okay, so you want to make sure that as we do this, I’m protecting the basketball, and now my ball handling is going from here to here. Notice as I spin, I keep my leg protecting against the defender.

I’ll do that one more time slowly. So I’m dribbling the basketball. I’m protecting it here, here, and now it goes to my left hand. And then on the opposite way without a defender, it will look like this: I’m here. I protect. I drop, and now I come this way.

Notice every time that I spin and I open up, I’m protecting the basketball. So now what we’ll do is we’ll have Sammy and George go to the baseline, and they’ll do a zigzag drill working on protecting the basketball.

Here we go. Protect it. Turn. Very good! Protect it. Turn. Very good! Notice Sammy does a nice job of protecting the basketball, he will come back. He will protect it. One second, George. He’ll protect it. Turn. Protect it. Turn. Very good! Protect it. Turn.

And now we’ll watch George do it a little bit faster. Here we go. Spin, very good. Protect it. Nice job! Protect the ball. Here we go. Now he has it here. The defender reaches. Very good! Excellent! Good balance! And now he protects it.

So you notice they both did very good jobs as far as staying low, protecting the ball off the spin. Very important because you don’t want the defender to be able to reach and steal the ball.

That’s how you a do a reverse dribble, more commonly known as a spin dribble.


「亞洲天團五月天登上BBC」- Taiwanese Rock Band Mayday on BBC News

「亞洲天團五月天登上BBC專訪」- Taiwanese Rock Band Mayday on BBC News

[youtubelearn video_code="eCC_KOlTwJM" srt_name="mayday" player_length=""]

Now, if you live in east Asia, I’m pretty sure that you would have heard my next guests. They’re called Mayday. Not in this stage, but we will hear some screams in the background from young fans. They are Taiwanese rock group. They perform to 2.5 million fans already in Asia. And they, with sold-out concerts in Hong Kong, China and Japan, now the group is spreading their Taiwanese tunes around the rest of the world.

At the moment, we’ll speak to three of the five members of the band. But first Lucas de Jong looks at the group, who want to be the Beatles of the Chinese world.
此刻,我們要和五位團員中的三位聊聊。但首先Lucas de Jong觀察這樂團,他們想要成為華人世界的披頭四。

What will you get when you take five band members, surrendered about eight albums, and named four Golden Melody Best Band Awards, as well as millions of records sold around the world? You get Mayday.

Mayday is one of the biggest band in China and a whole lot of Asia in the last ten years. They play singing tours all over Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and they play in Japan, and they’re coming here to Europe, London, Paris and Amsterdam, and they’re going to Canada and America as well.

Well Mayday is somewhere upstairs in the hotel right now, but here on the street, the fans have been gathering. How long are we all being here for so far? Three hours! Now you’re all breathing the London cold. Tell us, how excited are we to see Mayday? Wow!!!

There are the screams I warned you. Ok, well, I’m joined by three members of Mayday. With me is the lead singer, Ashin (Hi, guys), lead guitar, Stone over there, and near are the bass guitars, Masa on this side of me.

Thanks guys for coming in. Ashin, let me start by talking to you. We saw some of your UK fans there. You have a large number of fans around Asia. And you say you wanna be the Beatles of the Chinese world. Why the Beatles?

We love Beatles until we are young. (Yeah, very young.) So since you were young, you love the Beatles.

What about any other influences? Are there any other major stars that, you know, you think you would like to be like? We think Beatles have a lot of influence even in western country or eastern country like in our world. You know, so their influence is very huge and powerful for us. We think we might take this kind of the power, as a music. We try to influence some generations of ours, same of our generation, the same age.

And the music which are being listening to today is, you know, because, you know, stadium rock, sort of that type, you know, catchy stuff, catchy stuff, you write most of it? You do most of the…you’ll sing a song and write it yourself? I wrote almost all the lyrics. What do you write about? I…we sing what we see, what we hear, what we sing for our generation.

And you’re huge in China. Now I was talking to one of my colleagues who works at the BBC Chinese Service, and they were telling me that it’s because you have uplifting songs, songs that tell people to hold on to their dreams. Do you think that’s maybe part of your appeal in the Chinese market, Masa?

No. For us, it’s not about the markets or what strategy that we use in China. For us, it’s more like, almost in the world, the young generation. The young generation, everyone is thinking about the same thing: How to catch your dream? How to fight your war, not only for adults or for your class, or anything? So, we just write for maybe the young generation like us, what we think in our music.So the point is the young people around the world who worry about the same thing. Yeah, I think so.

But as, you know, as a Taiwanese rock band, big in Japan, do you have to be careful about some of the things you write about? Stone? About, you know, not being too political? Japan? No, in China. Sorry, sorry I said Japan. I’ve been…we’ve just been talking about Japan. That’s alright. As a Taiwanese rock band, big in China, do you have to be careful about some of the things you write about, not to get too political?

Actually we are very honest to our song, so we wrote what we really care about, anything that we’ll write. Basically we wrote more about a relationship, relationship around the pals, with friends, our families, and what we dream about, and what we really care about.

But I think the most important thing is Mayday always think very positive. The positive message. Yeah, so always we think about we have a dream, then we can achieve that. So we keep pushing this message to all the people that they can speak Chinese.

That’s what I think. That is a question for you, isn’t it? You’re gonna be touring Europe and the US, but you’ll be singing in Mandarin, will you? How’s that gonna work? Are you expecting just, you know, Chinese fans to come? There is a trick. There is a trick.

We put some Chinese subtitle in our music video right now, so people can check that. But also we think there is, you know, music has no language. So if we have thinking…if we’re thinking the same thing, then we play the same thing. I think music can touch people’s heart, even they don’t have any language with it.

Ok, well, here is a very good place to start. Stone, Ashin, Masa from Mayday, thank you very much for joining me. And good luck on this mammoth tour that’s gonna bring you to Europe and the US.

Ok, that’s it for this half an hour. We’ll check back with you later on BBC World News. Stick with it, and I’m gonna talk to my guests a little bit more. Maybe they will have a few minutes to play guitar. We will see you on the other side.
好的,這就是這半小時的內容。我們稍後會回到BBC World News。不要轉台,我要再和我的來賓們聊聊。也許他們會有些時間來彈彈吉他。我們另一邊見。

註一:五月天上BBC專訪太緊張,錯用了 until 當作 since,但接受現場專訪壓力的確很大,尤其是用自己不熟悉的語言。他們接受國際媒體採訪不帶翻譯隨行非常厲害,把台灣發揚光大,推向全世界!順便驕傲的爆料一下:五月天是 Charlie 母校附中的學長們!學長加油!


「如何快速運球?」- How to Dribble Faster

「如何快速運球?」- How to Dribble Faster

[youtubelearn video_code="0g2Mc_WNXCM" srt_name="dribblefaster" player_length=""]

Right now, we’ll talk about how to dribble a basketball faster. And handling the ball with speed is good because it makes it more difficult for the defender to steal the ball from you. So right now we’ll work through a couple of quick drills that we use on a regular basis that help us to handle the ball faster.

First thing we wanna do is work on a particular drill, and then you wanna try to go full-speed in it. Right now, we have one of our coaches, Jerry, who’s gonna time us on these particular drills. Right now, Sammy will go for fifteen seconds.

And what we’ll do right now is he’s gonna do his first set for fifteen seconds, and then we’ll have him do a second set to see if he can increase his speed as far as ball handling.

So right now, Sammy will get nice and low. He’s gonna cross over and go behind his back. Every time the ball gets to his right hand, he’s gonna count the rep. So I’ll count for him right now. Jerry, when you tell me to go, we’ll go.

Ready, go! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Stop! Alright, so Sammy did eight in fifteen seconds. So now he has a goal, where every time he works out, he has a point of emphasis in the base as far as trying to exceed this time.

Now I’ll try to do something a little bit more advanced with the advanced ball handlers. And remember, everything we do I’m gonna try to do with my eyes closed and head up. Jerry will give me thirty seconds on this.

Ready, go! One, two, three, four, five, I lose it. I come right back. Eyes closed, chin up. Six. Stop! Alright! So I got to about six and a half.

So right now we’ll have Sammy finish up to see if he can do it any faster than he did his first set. So again, Sammy will have his eyes closed, chin up. He will get low. Eight is his number to beat. Fifteen seconds.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Stop! Alright. So you see? Now, Sammy worked on his ball handling. He was able to get ten.

Those are the types of drills that you can do on a regular basis in order to become a faster ball handler.


「行車安全的守護者:認識ABS、TRC及VSC」- ABS, TRC, VSC

「行車安全的守護者:認識ABS、TRC及VSC」- ABS, TRC, VSC

[youtubelearn video_code="Z8KjsjrIGqI" srt_name="abs" player_length=""]

Some of the better-known systems that help prevent accidents are ABS and TRC.

When a vehicle is driven on a slippery surface, ABS prevents the wheels from locking up during sudden braking. This helps to improve the vehicle stability and handling performance.

When a vehicle is starting off, TRC prevents the wheels from freewheeling. As a result, this also helps to improve the vehicle stability and handling performance.

In other words, ABS helps to improve the vehicle stability during deceleration, while TRC helps during acceleration.

In addition to these efforts to improve the vehicle stability, the objective of VSC is to ensure stability while cornering. Thus to mutual cooperation, ABS, TRC and VSC help improve the vehicle safety in all of its movements.

Let’s observe the effectiveness of VSC during an actual test drive. On a slippery surface, when the driver turns the steering wheel quickly to avoid an oncoming car on a curve, the car without VSC sweeps sideways. This greatly affects the vehicle stability, making it difficult for the driver to control the vehicle.

However, a car that is equipped with the VSC system maintains its stability, even under the same circumstances. As a result, it can safely complete the turn.

When something appears suddenly ahead, the driver of the car without VSC cannot steer the car properly, and causes it to spin. However, the car with VSC can properly avoid the object, and safely resume its direction of travel.

During a lane change on a slippery surface, the car without VSC slips sideways and becomes unstable. However the car with VSC can complete the lane change in a stable manner.

註一:ABS全名是Anti-Lock Brake System縮寫,為防鎖死煞車系統;TRC全名是Traction Control System縮寫,為循跡防滑控制系統。

註二:VSC全名是Vehicle Stability Control,為行車穩定操控系統。


「表演大師傳授扒手的祕密」- Apollo Robbins: The art of misdirection

「表演大師破解扒手秘技」- Apollo Robbins: The art of misdirection

[youtubelearn video_code="GZGY0wPAnus" srt_name="misdirection" player_length=""]

Do you think it’s possible to control someone’s attention? Even more than that, what about predicting human behavior? I think those are interesting ideas, if you could. I mean, for me, that’d be the perfect superpower, actually kind of an evil way of approaching it. But for myself, in the past, I’ve spent the last twenty years studying human behavior from a rather unorthodox way: picking pockets.

When we think of misdirection, we think of something as looking off to the side, when actually it’s often that things are right in front of us. They are the hardest things to see, the things that you look at every day that you’re blinded to.

For example, how many of you still have your cell phones on you right now? Great. Double-check. Make sure you still have them on you. I was doing some shopping beforehand. Now you’ve looked at them probably a few times today, but I’m gonna ask you a question about them without looking at your cell phone directly yet. Can you remember the icon in the bottom right corner? Bring them out, check, and see how accurate you were. How’d you do? Show your hands. Did we get it?

Now that you’re done looking at those, close them down, because every phone has something in common: No matter how you organize the icons, you still have a clock on the front. So, without looking at your phone, what time was it? You just looked at your clock, right?

It’s an interesting idea. Now, I’ll ask you to take that step further with a game of trust. Close your eyes. I realize I’m asking you to do that while you just heard there’s a pickpocket in the room, but close your eyes. Now, you’ve been watching me for about thirty seconds. With your eyes closed, what am I wearing? Make your best guess. What color is my shirt? What color is my tie? Now open your eyes. By showing hands, were you right?

It’s interesting, isn’t it? Some of us are a little bit more perceptive than others. It seems that way. But I have a different theory about that: that model of attention. They have fancy models of attention: Posner’s trinity model of attention. For me, I like to think of it very simple, like a surveillance system. It’s kind of like you have all these fancy sentries, and inside your brain there’s a little security guard. For me, I like to call him Frank.

So, Frank is sitting at a desk. He’s got all sorts of cool information in front of him, high-tech equipment. He’s got cameras. He’s got a little phone that he can pick up, listen through the ears: all these senses, all these perceptions. But attention is what steers your perceptions. It’s what controls your reality. It’s the gateway to the mind. If you don’t attend to something, you can’t be aware of it.

But ironically, you can attend to something without being aware of it. That’s why there’s the cocktail effect: When you’re in a party, you’re having conversations with someone, and yet you can recognize your name and you didn’t even realize you were listening to that. Now, for my job, I have to play with techniques to exploit this, to play with your attention as a limited resource. So if I could control how you spend your attention, if I could maybe steal your attention through a distraction…

Now, instead of doing it like misdirection and throwing it off to the side, instead, what I choose to focus on is Frank: to be able to play with the Frank inside your head, your little security guard, and get you, instead of focusing on your external senses, just to go internal for a second.

So if I ask you to access a memory, like “What is that?" “What just happened?" “Do you have a wallet?" “Do you have an American Express in your wallet?" And when I do that, your Frank turns around. He accesses the file. He has to rewind the tape. And what’s interesting is, he can’t rewind the tape at the same time that he’s trying to process new data.

Now, I mean, this sounds like a good theory, but I could talk for a long time and tell you lots of things, and they may be true, a portion of them, but I think it’s better if I tried to show that to you here live. So if I come down, I’m gonna do a little bit of shopping. Just hold still where you are.

Hello! How are you? It’s lovely to see you. You did a wonderful job onstage. You have a lovely watch that doesn’t come off very well. Do you have your ring as well? Good. Just taking inventory, you’re like a buffet. It’s hard to tell where to start. There are so many great things. Hi! How are you? Good to see you.

Hi, sir, could you stand up for me, please? Just right where you are. Oh, you’re married. You follow directions well. That’s nice to meet you, sir. You don’t have a whole lot inside your pockets. Anything down by the pocket over here? Hopefully so. Have a seat. There you go. You’re doing well.

Hi, sir! How are you? Good to see you, sir. You have a ring, a watch. Do you have a wallet on you? I don’t. Well, we’ll find one for you. Come on up this way, Joe. Give Joe a round of applause. Come on up, Joe. Let’s play a game. Pardon me.

I don’t think I need this clicker anymore. You can have that. Thank you very much. I appreciate that. Come on up to the stage, Joe. Let’s play a little game now. Do you have anything in your front pockets? Money. Money! All right, let’s try that. Can you stand right over this way for me?

Turn around and let’s see. If I give you something that belongs to me…this is just something I have, a poker chip. Hold out your hand for me. Watch it kind of closely. Now this is a task for you to focus on. Now you have your money in your front pocket here? Yup. Good. I’m not going to actually put my hand in your pocket. I’m not ready for that kind of commitment.

One time a guy had a hole in his pocket, and that was rather traumatizing for me. I was looking for his wallet and he gave me his phone number. It was a big miscommunication. So let’s do this simply. Squeeze your hand. Squeeze it tight. Do you feel the poker chip in your hand? I do. Would you be surprised if I could take it out of your hand? Say “yes." Very. Good. Open your hand. Thank you very much. I’ll cheat if you give me a chance. Make it harder for me. Just use your hand.

Grab my wrist, but squeeze, squeeze firm. Did you see it go? No. No, it’s not here. Open your hand. See, while we’re focused on the hand, it’s sitting on your shoulder right now. Go and take it off. Now, let’s try that again. Hold your hand out flat. Open it up all the way. Put your hand up a little bit higher, but watch it close there, Joe. See, if I did it slowly, it’d be back on your shoulder.

Joe, we’re gonna keep doing this till you catch it. You’re gonna get it eventually. I have faith in you. Squeeze firm. You’re human; you’re not slow. It’s back on your shoulder. You were focused on your hand. That’s why you were distracted. While you were watching this, I couldn’t quite get your watch off. It was difficult. Yet you had something inside your front pocket. Do you remember what it was? Money. Check your pocket. See if it’s still there. Is it still there? Oh, that’s where it was. Go ahead and put it away. We’re just shopping. This trick’s more about the timing, really. I’m gonna try to push it inside your hand. Put your other hand on top for me, would you? It’s amazingly obvious now, isn’t it? It looks a lot like the watch I was wearing, doesn’t it?

But it’s only a start. Let’s try it again a little bit differently. Hold your hands together. Put your other hand on top. Now if you’re watching this little token, this obviously has become a little target. It’s like a red herring. If we watch this kind of close, it looks like it goes away. It’s not back on your shoulder. It falls out of the air, lands right back in the hand. Did you see it go?

Yeah, it’s funny. We’ve got a little guy. He works up there all day. If I did it slowly, if it goes straightaway, it lands down by your pocket. I believe it is in this pocket, sir? No, don’t reach in your pocket. That’s a different show. So that’s rather strange. They have shots for that. Can I show them what that is? That’s rather bizarre. Is this yours, sir? I have no idea how that works. We’ll just send that over there.

That’s great. I need help with this one. Step over this way for me. Now don’t run away. You had something down by your pants pocket. I was checking mine. I couldn’t find everything. But I noticed you had something here. Can I feel the outside of your pocket for a moment? Down here I noticed this. Is this something of yours, sir? Is this? I have no idea. That’s a shrimp. I’m saving it for later. You’ve entertained all of these people in a wonderful way, better than you know.

So we’d love to give you this lovely watch as a gift. Hopefully it matches his taste. But also, we have a couple of other things: a little bit of cash, and then we have a few other things. These all belong to you, along with a big round of applause from all your friends. Joe, thank you very much.

So, same question I asked you before, but this time you don’t have to close your eyes. What am I wearing? Attention is a powerful thing. Like I said, it shapes your reality. So, I guess I’d like to pose that question to you: If you could control somebody’s attention, what would you do with it? Thank you.


「我愛中國菜」- Chinese Food by Alison Gold

「我愛中國菜」- Chinese Food by Alison Gold

[youtubelearn video_code="26Xl89nZY4I" srt_name="chinesefood" player_length=""]

After bowling I go clubbing
Then I’m hugging. Then I’m hungry
And I’m walking on the street, and I’m getting getting getting getting grumpy, grumpy
I see chow by my right
I smell food in the air
It’s Chinese food, my favorite
So I’m getting getting getting getting hungry

I love Chinese food
You know that it’s true
I love fried rice
I love noodles
I love chow mein, chow m-m-m-m-mein

I love Chinese food
You know that it’s true
I love fried rice
I love noodles
I love chow mein, chow mo-mo-mo-mo-mein

Read the menu. They got broccoli
Even chicken wings. Make it spicy
And you like it because it’s beautiful
And it tastes so so so good

I like the egg rolls and the Wonton soup
This makes me feel so so good
Fortune cookies tell my future
Chinese Chinese Food

I love Chinese food
You know that it’s true
I love fried rice
I love noodles
I love chow mein, chow mo-mo-mo-mo-mein

I love Chinese food
You know that it’s true
I love fried rice
I love noodles
I love chow mein, chow mo-mo-mo-mo-mein

I love Chinese food and some Wonton soup
Get me broccoli while I play Monopoly
Don’t be a busy bee because it’s your fantasy
To eat Chinese food, egg roll and Chop Suey

I use the chopsticks to eat pot stickers
Put some hot sauce and sweet and sour make it sweet
Because Chinese food takes away my stress
Now I’m gonna go and eat Panda Express
現在我要去吃Panda Express(美國最大連鎖中國餐廳)

I love Chinese food
You know that it’s true
I love fried rice
I love noodles
I love chow mein, chow mo-mo-mo-mo-mein

I love Chinese food
You know that it’s true
I love fried rice
I love noodles
I love chow mein, chow mo-mo-mo-mo-mein


「別惹我,我有超能力!」- Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise

「別惹我,我有超能力!」- Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise

[youtubelearn video_code="VlOxlSOr3_M" srt_name="coffeeprank" player_length=""]

A fake wall is put up.

A stuntman is lifted up the wall.

Tables and chairs are remote controlled.

Pictures and books are spring loaded.

Actors are seated inside.

Hello. Hi, can I get a small coffee?

Poppyseed bagel with butter.

Oh my god!

That sucks. I’m sorry.

You just ruined all of my stuff.

Get some napkins and clear it up. It’ll be fine.

Fine? There’s coffee inside of my computer.

You know what? Just get away from me.

Just get away from me.

Get out of my way.

Oh my god!

Get away from me.

Get away from me.

Oh my god! Holy f***.

There are other people out there like me who can do what I can do.


「今晚爹地陪我唱歌」- Tonight You Belong to Me: Me and my 4 y.o.

「今晚爹地陪我唱歌」- Tonight You Belong to Me: Me and my 4 y.o.

[youtubelearn video_code="Bpu0TIXzI1w" srt_name="belongtome" player_length=""]


I know you…how about we say, “Be quiet!"

Uh, that means there’s a firework coming.


I know, you belong…when we hear, say, “Shih," that means there’s a firework coming.

Uh, okay.

I know…when it goes, “Shih," that means there’s a firework here.

Uh, okay.

I know you belong to somebody new, “Shih!"

Let’s check outside.

No fireworks out there.

But tonight you belong to me.

Although, we’re apart…you’ll say, “Although (although)." Uh, okay.

Although (although) we’re apart
You’re part of my heart
And tonight you belong to me

Way down by the stream
How sweet it will seem
Once more just to dream
In the moonlight

My honey I know
By the dawn that you will be gone, “Shih!"

What’s the sound? Airplane.

But tonight you belong to me
Just to little old me


Way down by the stream
How sweet it will be
Once more just to dream
By the moonlight

My honey I know

By the dawn…Dad just sing it…

I know you belong to somebody new
And tonight you belong to me
Just to little old me



「稻草人之歌」- The Scarecrow

「稻草人之歌」- The Scarecrow

[youtubelearn video_code="DY-GgzZKxUQ" srt_name="scarecrow" player_length=""]

Come with me
And you’ll be in a world of pure imagination
Take a look
And you’ll see into your imagination

We’ll begin with a spin
Traveling in the world of my creation
What we’ll see will defy explanation

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world?
There’s nothing to it

There is no life I know
To compare with pure imagination
Living there
You’ll be free
If you truly wish to be

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world?
There’s nothing to it



「DIY積木手機」- Phonebloks

[youtubelearn video_code="oDAw7vW7H0c" srt_name="phonebloks" player_length=""]

Every day we throw away millions of electronic devices, because they get old and become worn-out. But usually it’s only one of the components that causes the problem. The rest of the device works fine but is needlessly thrown away, simply because electronic devices are not designed to last. This makes electronic waste one of the fastest growing waste streams in the world, and our phone is one of the biggest causes.

So this is a new kind of phone. It’s made of blocks, detachable blocks. They’re all connected to the base, and the base connects everything together. Electrical signals are transferred through the pins, and two small screws lock everything in place.

So if, for instance, your phone is getting a little slow, you can just upgrade the block that affects the speed. Or if something breaks, you can easily replace it with a new one, or update it with the latest version.

Another great thing about this is you can customize your phone. Let’s say this is your phone, and you do everything in the cloud. Why not replace your storage block for a bigger battery block? If you’re like this guy and love to take pictures, why not upgrade your camera? Or if you don’t care about any of this stuff, you can keep it simple, and get a bigger speaker. You can choose the blocks you want, support the brands you like, or even develop your own blocks.

Phonebloks is built on an open platform by companies working together to create the best phone in the world. To set out this platform, we need to get the right companies and the right people involved. They will only get started if there is a lot of interest in the phone worth keeping.
積木手機是建立在一個開放的平台上,由數個公司合作創造出世界上最好的手機 。要開始這個平台,我們需要讓對的公司和對的人參與。如果對於這支值得保存的手機有非常多的關注,他們才會開始。

So this is the plan: To show them there’s an interest for this phone, we need your voice. You can donate your social reach on the website. We gather as much people as possible. On the 29th of October we send out the blast, all at the same time, spreading all your voices to show the world there’s a need for a phone worth keeping. The more people involved, the bigger the impact.

Please visit phonebloks.com to raise your voice and spread the word.
請到 phonebloks.com來提出你的聲音,並散播消息。

Phonebloks, a phone worth keeping.


「中秋節的故事(上)」- Moon Festival Story

「中秋節的故事(上)」- Moon Festival Story (Part One)

[youtubelearn video_code="0EcQfysxxbo" srt_name="moonstory1" player_length=""]

One morning, Houyi was practicing his sword fencing in the woods near the Heavenly Palace. Suddenly, he saw a raindrop slipping down from the leaf. He drew his bow, and shot the raindrop. It hit, and splashed everywhere.

This happened to be seen by a group of fairy maidens who were flying past the woods. They started to praise Houyi’s great shot. The most beautiful fairy maiden, whose name was Chang’e, exclaimed, “What a master archer!" But Houyi was very modest. Chang’e and the other maidens danced for this master archer, and Houyi is very much attracted by Chang’e's beauty.

Suddenly, there were dark clouds, and some terrible sounds could be heard. There, amidst the dark clouds came running a fierce wolf. The fairy maidens went into a panic, and did not know where to hide. The wolf dashed at the young ladies with its big mouth wide open, and the girls were scared to death. The wolf ran towards Chang’e, who was frightened out of her wits. And at this moment, just before the wolf ran towards Chang’e, Houyi drew the bow and shot the wolf dead.

The news of Houyi killing the wolf was soon known by everyone in the Palace. The Lord of Heaven decided that Chang’e should marry Houyi. They lived together very happily until one day Houyi was showing off, and he shot down the sun. The Lord of Heaven got very angry, and sent them down to earth. Chang’e did not want to leave the Palace, but she had to go with her husband to the human world.

After Houyi shot down the sun, the weather on the earth became good for crops to grow, and people lived happily. But in the mountains, rivers and lakes, there lived wild beasts and monsters who came out to hurt people. Houyi heard that there was a monster with nine heads in the north who often did horrible things to people, and even ate people. Houyi decided to fight it.

Houyi fought against the nine-headed monster for three days, but neither of them could win. Later on, Houyi learned that the only way to kill the monster was to cut off all of its nine heads. Otherwise, it would get even stronger. Houyi drew his big bow, and shot nine arrows all at the same time at the nine heads of the monster. The nine heads all fell down, and the monster died immediately.

From then on, Houyi got lots of love and respect from the people. He began to like his new life in the human world. But his wife still felt very sad, and missed her life in the Heaven very much.

One day, Chang’e was sitting at the table, waiting for her husband. She felt sad and began crying at the thought of her unhappy life in the human world. When she heard Houyi’s footsteps, she did not go out to welcome him as usual. Houyi entered the room, and found Chang’e was so sad. He asked, “What is wrong with you? Don’t you enjoy our life here?" Chang’e answered, “Ever since we arrived in the human world, my life has not been happy at all. You spend your time outside. Do you know how lonely and bored I am?" Houyi smiled and said, “I will keep you company from now on. I’m going to take you to a deep valley in the mountain tomorrow. I guarantee that the valley is more beautiful than anything you have seen in the Heaven."

The valley was indeed beautiful, quiet and cool, with many butterflies flying around. Chang’e sat by the river to comb her long hair, looking at her reflection in the water. Houyi put some flowers in his wife’s head. Chang’e was very happy and thought, “This is just the life I want."

Suddenly, the quietness was interrupted by some screaming voices in the distance. Houyi knew the beasts were hurting the villages. So he quickly took his bow and arrows, and was about to hurry away, but Chang’e was very angry and cried. Houyi said, “It is my job to remove evils from this world to protect the people. Forgive me." And then he rushed away. Chagn’e cried and returned home alone.

The following weeks Houyi went out to get rid of evils almost every day. It took a long time, but at last, he wiped out all the evils. When he happily returned home, he saw the sad look in Chang’e's face. Houyi understood that he had made his wife suffer a lot, and he should treat her better. He also knew his wife didn’t blame him. She was just worried about his safety. After all, he was the only person she can depend on.

Now that all the evil beasts were killed, Houyi and Chang’e lived peacefully, and happily, and spent their time together. Chang’e began to love her life on earth until one day she realized that she and Houyi would die someday, just as the ordinary people of the earth would. Houyi knew that there was a Queen Mother who knew magic. If he could get one of her magic potions, he and his wife could live hundreds of years until the Lord of Heaven let them go back to the Heaven. So, having made up his mind, he set out with his bow and arrows to find the Queen Mother.


「你了解歐盟嗎?」- The European Union Explained

「你了解歐盟嗎?」- The European Union Explained

[youtubelearn video_code="O37yJBFRrfg" srt_name="eu" player_length=""]

Where is the European Union? Obviously here somewhere, but much like the European continent itself, which has an unclear boundary, the European Union also has some fuzzy edges to it.

To start, the official members of the European Union are, in decreasing order of population: Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Greece, Belgium, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Sweden, Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Slovakia, Finland, Ireland, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia, Estonia, Cyprus, Luxembourg, and Malta. The edges of the EU will probably continue to expand further out as there are other countries in various stages of trying to become a member.

How the EU works is hideously complicated and a story for another time, but for this video, you need know only three things: First, countries pay membership dues. And second, vote on the laws they all must follow. And third, citizens of member countries are automatically European Union citizens as well. This last means that if you’re a citizen of any of these countries, you are free to live and work or retire in any of the others, which is nice especially if you think your country is too big, or too small, or too hot, or too cold. The European Union gives you options.

By the way, did you notice how all three of these statements have asterisks attached to this unhelpful footnote? Well, get used to it. Europe loves asterisks that add exceptions to complicated agreements. These three, for example, point us towards the first bit of border fuzziness with Norway, Iceland and little Liechtenstein, none of which are in the European Union, but if you’re an EU citizen, you can live in these countries, and Norwegians, Icelanders or Liechtensteiner can live in yours.

Why? In exchange for the freedom of movement of people, they have to pay membership fees to the European Union, even though they aren’t a part of it, and thus don’t get a say in its laws that they still have to follow. This arrangement is the European Economic Area, and it sounds like a terrible deal, were it not for that asterisk, which grants EEA but not EU members a pass on some areas of law, notably farming and fishing, something a country like, say, Iceland might care quite a lot about running themselves.

Between the European Union and the European Economic Area, the continent looks mostly covered with the notable exception of Switzerland, who remains neutral and fiercely independent, except for her participation in the Schengen Area. If you’re from a country that keeps her borders extremely clean and/or well-patrolled, the Schengen Area is a bit mind-blowing, because it’s an agreement between countries to take a “meh" approach to borders.

In the Schengen Area, international boundaries look like this: no border officers or passport checks of any kind. You can walk from Lisbon to Tallinn without identification or the need to answer the question “business or pleasure?"

For Switzerland, being part of Schengen but not part of the European Union means that non-Swiss can check in anytime they like, but they can never stay. This kumbaya approach to borders isn’t appreciated by everyone in the EU, most loudly, the United Kingdom and Ireland who argue that islands are different. Thus to get onto these fair isles, you’ll need a passport and a good reason.

Britannia’s reluctance to get fully involved with the EU brings us to the next topic: money. The European Union has its own fancy currency, the Euro used by the majority, but not all of the European Union members. This economic union is called the Eurozone. And to join, a country must first reach certain financial goals, and lying about reaching those goals is certainly not something anyone would do.

Most of the non-Eurozone members, when they meet the goals, will ditch their local currency in favor of the Euro, but three of them: Denmark, Sweden and, of course, the United Kingdom have asterisks attached to the Euro sections of the treaty, giving them a permanent opt-out. And weirdly, four tiny European countries Andorra, San Marino, Monaco and Vatican City have an asterisk, giving them the exact reverse: the right to print and use Euros as their money, despite not being in the European Union at all.

So that’s the big picture: there’s the EU which makes all the rules, the Eurozone inside of it with a common currency, the European Economic Area outside of it, where people can move freely, and the selective Schengen, for countries that think borders just aren’t worth the hassle.

As you can see, there’s some strange overlap with these borders, but we’re not done talking about complications by a long shot, once again, because empire. So Portugal and Spain have islands from their colonial days that they’ve never parted with. These are the Madeira and Canary Islands off the coast of Africa, and the Azores well into the Atlantic. Because these islands are Spanish and Portuguese, they’re part of the European Union as well.

Adding a few islands to the EU’s borders isn’t a big deal until you consider France, the queen of not-letting go. She still holds onto a bunch of islands in the Caribbean, Reunion off the coast of Madagascar and French Guiana in South America. As far as France is concerned, these are France, too, which single handedly extends the edge-to-edge distance of the European Union across a third of Earth’s circumference.

Collectively, these bits of France, Spain and Portugal are called the Outermost Regions, and they’re the result of the simple answer to empire: just keep it.

On the other hand, there’s the United Kingdom, the master of maintaining complicated relationships with her quasi-former lands, and she’s by no means alone in this on such an empire-happy-continent. The Netherlands and Denmark and France, again, all have what the European Union calls Overseas Territories. They’re not part of the European Union, instead they’re a bottomless well of asterisks due to their complicated relationships with both the European Union and their associated countries, which makes it hard to say anything meaningful about them as a group but…

In general, European Union law doesn’t apply to these places; though in general, the people who live there are European citizens; because in general, they have the citizenship of their associated country; so in general, they can live anywhere in the EU they want; but in general, other European Union citizens can’t freely move to these territories, which makes these places a weird, semipermeable membrane of the European Union proper, and the final part we’re going to talk about in detail, even though there are still many more one-off asterisks you might stumble upon, such as the Isle of Man, or those Spanish cities in North Africa; or Gibraltar, who pretends to be part of Southwest England sometimes; or that region in Greece, where it’s totally legal to ban women; or Saba and friends, who are part of the Netherlands and so should be part of the EU, but aren’t; or the Faeroe Islands upon which while citizens of Denmark live, they lose their EU citizenship, and on and on it goes.

These asterisks almost never end, but this video must.


「你擁有多少時間?」- The Time You Have

「你還擁有多少時間?」- The Time You Have

[youtubelearn video_code="BOksW_NabEk" srt_name="time" player_length=""]

These are roughly 28,835 Jelly Beans. I counted out five hundred of them, and used those to weigh the rest. In this pile, there’s one Jelly Bean for each day that the average American will live. You might have more beans in your life, or maybe less, but on average, this is the time we have.

Here’s a single bean. It’s your very first day. A special day, but kind of a rough day on everyone involved. Add 364 more and you have the first year of your life.

Now for a sense of scale, here are your first fifteen years: 5,475 days, which brings us to the threshold of adulthood. And at that moment, this is the time that we have left. And this is, on average, what we will do with all that time:

We’ll be asleep for a total of 8,477 days. If we’re lucky, some of that time we’ll be sleeping next to someone we love.

We’ll be in the process of eating, drinking, or preparing food for 1,635 days.

We’ll be at work, hopefully doing something satisfying for the equivalent of 3,202 of those days.

1,099 days will be spent commuting or travelling from one place to another, maybe a little bit more if you live in LA.

On average we’ll watch television in one form or another for a total of 2,676 days.

Household activities, like chores and tending to our pets and shopping will take another 1,576 days.

And we’ll care for the needs and well-being of others, our friends and family, for 564 days.

We’ll spend 671 days bathing, grooming, and doing all other bathroom related activities.

And another 720 days will go to community activities like religious and civic duties, charities, and taking classes.

After we remove all those beans, this is what remains. This is the time that we have left. Time for laughing, swimming, making art, going on hikes, text messages, reading, checking facebook, playing softball, maybe even teaching yourself how to play the guitar.

So what are you gonna do with this time? How much of it do you think you’ve already used up?

If you only had half of it, what would you do differently? What about half of that?

How much time have you already spent worrying instead of doing something that you love?

What if you just had one more day? What are you gonna do today?


「Jimmy Kimmel『史上最慘扭臀舞』惡作劇」- Jimmy Kimmel Reveals “Worst Twerk Fail EVER: Girl Catches Fire" Prank

「史上最慘扭臀舞」- Jimmy Kimmel Reveals “Worst Twerk Fail EVER: Girl Catches Fire" Prank

[youtubelearn video_code="HSJMoH7tnvw" srt_name="twerkfail" player_length=""]

I showed you a video of a young woman named Caitlin Heller, who is now very famous for a video, in which her haphazard twerking led to setting herself a flame. We were able to get in touch with her and she joins us live now via Skype from Kansas City. Please say hello to Caitlin. Hi, Caitlin. How are you? Caitlin, I’ll get straight to the question everyone wants answered. How are your yoga pants?
我給你們看了一位名叫Caitlin Heller的年輕女子影片,她現在因為一部影片非常紅,影片裡她那隨興的扭臀舞導致她自己著火。我們能夠聯絡到她,她現在從堪薩斯市透過Skype加入我們現場直播。請和Caitlin說聲哈囉。嗨,Caitlin。妳好嗎?Caitlin,我要單刀直入地問每個人都很想得到解答的問題。妳的瑜伽褲還好嗎?

Um, my pants were…they are a little burned.

Why would you upload something which, I don’t know, is kind of embarrassing?

I did not want to at first, but my friend kinda talk me into it, and here I am.

When you put it online, did you have any idea how popular it was gonna become?

I had no clue. This is literally like my first YouTube submission.

Now, before we go any further, I think most people are wondering why the video stopped so suddenly. It seemed like there was more to see. Why did it stop there?

Well, it got…it got a little intense, but I do have the rest of the video if you want to see it.

Yes, you have provided us with the rest of the video. I, but, you know, I think it will be better if we do this together actually. Excuse me for one second. Sure. And um, okay. Okay, alright.

How are you doing? Good. How are you?

Ya, well. Should we show the full director’s cut? I think it’s time. I think it’s time too. Let’s roll that.

Thanks, Jimmy Kimmel. All part of the job, ma’am.
謝謝,Jimmy Kimmel。全都是工作的一部分,女士。

So there you go. To the conspiracy theories on the internet who thought the video was fake, you were right. It was fake. We made it up. I’m also the guy who bit Charlie’s finger by the way.

Um, we shot the video two months ago, and we posted it on YouTube. We didn’t send it to any TV stations. We didn’t…I didn’t tweet it. We didn’t put it on any news websites. We just put it on the YouTube, and let the magic happen. And the magic happened. I got nine million views in a week, in less than a week.

Well, your name isn’t even Caitlin, is it? Tell everyone your real name. Hi, my name is Daphne Avalon, and I’m a stuntwoman. You are a stuntwoman, and then we swore Daphne to secrecy. You couldn’t tell anyone, but did any of your family, your friends see the video and then wonder what you were doing in it?
這個嘛,妳的名字甚至不是Caitlin,對吧?告訴大家妳的真實名字。嗨,我的名字是Daphne Avalon,我是女特技演員。妳是個女特技演員,然後我們要Daphne發誓會保密。妳不能告訴任何人,但有沒有任何妳的家人、朋友看到這支影片,然後想知道妳在做什麼?

Everyone saw it. I got numerous, like Facebook tags.

Did any of them think it was real when they saw you in it, knowing you’re a stuntwoman?

My ex-boyfriend from high school sent me like this worried Facebook message, like, “Oh my gosh! I saw this video. It looks like you. Are you ok?"

You think…you think he’s still in love with you? No, no. I don’t…maybe! I don’t know.

You know, we’ve got a lot of interview request for you sent to our YouTube Channel, and we didn’t respond to any of them. And even though the video is fake, that did not stop hundreds of news outlets from showing it. Some people even blame Miley Cyrus as if this is her fault, but this is just a sampling of some of the many many media outlets who fell for our little prank.

For this segment, we thought we just had to trot out this video, because apparently it’s everywhere.

The first time I saw the viral video, two million visits, and now it has eight million.

The girl in this video, who is trying to make a sexy twerk video for her boyfriend…

Check out this twerker. Girl on fire!

Watch out a twerking girl literally sets herself on fire.

She puts herself on fire. That girl was on fire.

Dangerous side effect to the fan known as twerking.

Apparently twerking or just trying to do it is getting downright dangerous.

So this is a major twerking fail.

Some are calling it the world’s biggest twerking fail.

This could be the most disastrous attempt at twerking of all time.

This is an example of how not to twerk.

This girl’s foray into twerking, ended in near disaster.

When you’re twerking, you might catch on fire.

Oh my gosh!

I do believe the look on her face is real.

Did you have fun doing this? Yeah, I’m glad. You guys are awesome. Thank you for helping us deceive the world and hopefully put an end to twerking forever. Daphne Avalon, everybody!
妳玩的開心嗎?對,我很開心。你們很棒。謝謝妳幫我們欺騙這個世界,希望能讓扭臀舞永遠停止。各位,Daphne Avalon!



「許個願吧!動手做七龍珠蛋糕球」- Dragon Ball Z Creme Brulee Cakeballs

[youtubelearn video_code="ZrKjIvuDEOM" srt_name="dragonball" player_length=""]

Hey guys! It’s Ro. Welcome to another Nerdy Nummies. Today, I’ve got so many requests to do something Dragon Ball Z, and I’ve been meaning to for a long time because I love this Japanese anime. I’ve been watching it forever since I was a little, littler Ro.

So today we’re gonna make fancy creme brulee cake balls, but we’re gonna make them look like the little dragon balls. The things you’ll need today will be heavy cream, corn syrup, vanilla extract, (Or you can use one fresh vanilla bean, but I’m just gonna be using vanilla extract. It’s very easy.) four eggs, regular sugar, lollipop sticks, and star sprinkles. These were so cute. I found them in this pack (I just want to show you.), at Target. So they’re selling the Justice League, little sprinkles set pack. That’s where I found the little stars. And last but not least, one white cake, which I’ve already pre-made right here.

First thing we’re gonna do is head over to the stove. We’re gonna take all of our ingredients, and we’re gonna make some creme brulee from scratch. Yum, yum, yum…

Now we’re gonna make some homemade creme brulee. And if you don’t wanna take the time to do this, if you’re in a hurry, you can just go to the bakery store or the cooking aisle at the grocery store, and buy some pre-made creme brulee. But this is so good and so easy. Ok, so the first thing you’re gonna do is preheat your oven to three twenty-five. Mine’s already going. And then you’re gonna need two pots, a medium-size pot and a larger pot. And in the larger pot, I’ve put a bunch of water, so you can start bringing that to a boil. And in the medium pot, we’re gonna pour two cups of cream.

In the medium-size pot with the cream, you’re gonna set the burner to a low heat. I’ll put it…put it around three or four, and you’re gonna slowly let it just slow boil. Now we’re gonna add one teaspoon of vanilla extract to the cream, and stir a little bit. And if you make a little bit of mess, that’s ok. A little extra vanilla never hurt nobody.

While the cream is heating up, we are going to mix together four egg yolks and six tablespoons of sugar. And just to get the egg yolks, just crack it, and you want the yellow. You don’t want the egg white. Let the egg white go somewhere else. Just the yellow! So you just mix it for about thirty seconds until it’s nice and smooth like this.

So the cream is starting to boil. It’s getting all those bubbles. It’s rising. Looks kind of fro…frothy. So you’re gonna wanna remove it from the heat right away like so. And now you’re gonna let it sit for ten minutes. And once it’s done, you’re gonna slowly add it to our egg-sugar mix here, and mix it up.

So here is our cream and egg mixture. And when I make it in, I pour in a little bit of the hot cream first, then mix it around so that the eggs acclimate that temperature. And then pour in the rest of the cream. The reason you wanna do that is so it doesn’t cook your egg, which it actually could because the liquid is so hot.

Now take a spoon, and using it, just scrape the top of the bowl to get out of all the bubbles, so it’s nice and smooth. After you remove all the bubbles from the top, you’re gonna pour it into two…I have cereal bowls. Usually you’d use a little ramekin, but these are like individual size. But because we’re just going to crumb them with our cake to make cake balls, I’m just gonna use two cereal bowls.

So the next thing what we’re gonna do after you’ve divided your cream into two bowls is you’re going to put them in the baking pan. And I put in a little towel, a lot of people do this. This is just a little washcloth. We’re gonna stack the two bowls here. And that water that’s been boiling on the stove, we’re gonna carefully pour it about half way up. And then put this in the oven. It is set to three twenty-five. And bake for thirty minutes.

After your creme brulee is done baking, you’re gonna put it in the fridge for four hours. And I just took these out. They look so yummy. Ok, so you’re gonna set this aside, and now you’re gonna take your vanilla cake. I just cut it into sections to show you how to crumb. This is basically how to make a cake ball, or cake pop, same idea. So you just take two sections of it, and rub it together over a big bowl.

Usually when you make cake pops, you use frosting. You do one cake to one little tub of frosting as a ratio. But these are gonna be so good, the creme brulee cake balls. You’re gonna take one cake to the one recipe of creme brulee. So you’re just gonna take this, and scoop it all into the bowl with the cake crumbs. Oh my gosh, this smells so good.

Once set all mix together, you’re gonna take a baking sheet like so, and put a piece of wax paper on the top. And you’re gonna get your hands in there. So you’re gonna roll them about the size of a golf ball. They don’t have to be a perfect circle, because we’re gonna stick them in the freezer, and they start to harden. And then you can re-roll them to be the perfect circle. So right now, just try to get size right. Once you’ve got all of your little cake balls on the tray, you’re gonna put these in the freezer for about two hours.

Those are my fighting scene.

I made a bunch more of these little cake balls. I just took them out of the freezer. I just wanted to show you how round they can get. So I took them out when they are still cold, re-roll them. So it’s more of a perfect circle, just like that. So what we’re gonna do now is take lollipop sticks. And on the bottom, which is a little bit flat because they’ve been sitting on the sheet. You’re just gonna push the lollipop stick in, and then stick them into the Styrofoam. I finish putting all the cake balls on the little lollipop sticks. I just make a bunch of them. I made a lot of extra, just in case I mess up some.

And now, we’re going to make our sugar dip. Take two-thirds cup of water, two-thirds cup of light corn syrup, and three cups of sugar. Once you’ve got all the ingredients in the pot, now place it on the burner, turn it to a medium-high heat. And then begin to stir until all the sugar is dissolved. Once it’s dissolved, you’re gonna leave them on the heat for ten minutes. You’ll know when it’s ready when it starts to look golden brown. Get a large bowl filled with ice water, and then remove your sugar bowl from the heat, and submerge it into the bowl. Wait until the sugar stops boiling, and then take your cake pop, and dip it in.

Once you’re done dipping your cake balls, this is what they look like. I put seven of them here. I have an extra. This is one of the extras because I want to show you how to remove the lollipop stick. It’s pretty easy. It’s pretty durable. So you’re just gonna take your fingers, and just twist the lollipop stick. It’ll loosen it.

And now, we’re gonna do the final step, and decorate these to look like dragon balls. Now you’re gonna use these star sprinkles. I found this pack, again, just to remind everyone, from Target. But they have them everywhere, grocery stores, Michaels, bakery stores, so I just want you to see what I got, so that would be hopefully helpful. And I poured them out, and I separated a bunch of red ones. So you’re gonna want the red stars.

And then for each dragon ball, if you’ve never seen the show, you’re gonna put one star, two stars, three stars, four, five stars, six stars, seven stars!

We did it. Here are our Dragon Ball Z creme brulee cake balls. They’re so cute. We have all of the little red stars sprinkles on there. They turned out so good!

Oh my god, we did it! We collected all of the dragon balls. I can summon the dragon and make a wish now. I got my wish.

These are delicious. I’ve never made creme brulee on Nerdy Nummies before, so this was really fun. So thank you guys for suggesting this. If you have any other ideas for any other Nerdy Nummies, please let me know. Leave me a comment down below, and I will do my best to make it happen. Ok, thanks, you guys. Bye bye!

That was Dragon Ball Z moves.

And you’re gonna roll them about the size of tennis balls. Oh! Oh my god, yeah. A golf ball…yeah…that’s…holy moly. It will be like a huge cake ball.







現在的我在看全英語YouTube,特別是英語教學的課程(像English Fuuency Journey、Speak English with Tiffani、BBC Learning English)不用開字幕,大部分都可以聽懂課程內容,而且我似乎能聽到影片或音頻中每一個聲音。







“Get over" 是一個常見的英文片語,常見的用法有以下幾種:

Get over something 從某件事走出來


It took him months to get over the breakup. (他花了好幾個月才從分手中走出來。)

Get over it. (你要放下。)


Get over someone 放下對某人的感情

而 “get over someone" 指的是從對某個人的感情中走出來,特別是當那個人曾是戀愛對象時,這意味著不再因為失去他們而感到痛苦或悲傷,開始接受現實並繼續生活。

You need to get over him if you want to be happy. (如果你想快樂,你需要放下對他的感情。)


Don’t be such a cry baby. (別哭哭啼啼的)


Aren’t you over that yet? (你還沒放下嗎?)

Plenty of fish in the sea 天涯何處無芳草


There’s no need to be upset about the breakup. There are plenty of fish in the sea!



阮小姐封面 (1)




每週都有上課 背後的動力是什麼?














2-1 (1)







學習的成效 – 自信開口說英文

今年七月我前往日本參與跳繩亞錦賽,這次的我更有信心開口說英文了,很自然地在對話中使用了我在影片中學習的文法規則跟句型,使用 Instagram 與其他國家選手交流時,我也可以用英文聊得更多,也對自己更有自信,因而認識了更多來自不同國家的選手。

我有一位非常崇拜的跳繩好手來自韓國, 我帶著台灣國家代表隊服跟她交換了他們國家的隊服,我告訴她我有一個招式就是從她的 Instagram 影片中學來的,她很開心邀請我一起練習,但是因為時間的關係這次只能合影,希望明年真的有機會能跟偶像一起跳繩!跳繩的學習打開了我的世界,而英文的學習則加深加廣了我的視野,我很感謝希平方推出的玩轉文法課程讓我在趣味中學習英語,期待和更多的朋友一起學習!

I'm ok

【NG 英文】I’m ok. 不是『我可以』的意思!到底是拒絕還是接受的態度?

今日的【NG 英文】整理的各種容易誤會的英文表達方式,特別是口語上的應用,來檢測看看7個題目,來看看你是否答對了呢?答案在每一則測驗最下方,一起來學習正確用法是什麼吧!

題目(1) :What do you say?


(A) 你說什麼?

(B) 你覺得呢?

「What do you say?」是一個常見的英文片語,通常用來徵求他人對某個建議、計畫或意見的看法。這個短語非常口語化,帶有一種友好且隨和語氣。例句如下:

How about we go out for dinner tonight? What do you say?


答案:What do you say? (B) 你覺得呢?

題目(2): See you later.


(A) 等等見。(真的等一下會再見面那種)

(B) 掰掰,下次見。

這是一個非常常見的英文片語,用來在與他人道別時使用,要特別注意的是這裡是「道別」,而不是預告待會再見,這是非母語人士常常會誤會的用法喔!也可以看看我們NG英文節目曾經有一集出現過的主題:「【NG 英文】旅遊冒險家 CC 謝昕璇:"See you later." 英文不是『待會見』的意思!」,當你聽到外國人說這句話時,千萬別傻傻的在那等你朋友。

I have to go now. See you later!


答案:See you later. (B) 掰掰,下次見。

題目(3):I’m ok.


(A) 我可以。

(B) 先不用。

這是一個非常常見的英文片語,具體含義取決於上下文和說話者的態度語氣,這也是非母語人士常常會誤會的用法,通常外國人說 I’m ok 是代表禮貌的拒絕幫助或提議。

Do you want some cake?(你想來點蛋糕嗎?)

I’m ok. Thank you. (我不吃,謝謝)

關於這個片語,更進一步的解說可以看【NG 英文】拒絕別人的好意,不要直接說 NO! 這篇專欄的說明唷~

答案:I’m ok. (B) 先不用。

題目(4) :Until next time.


(A) 直到下次。

(B) 掰掰。

「Until next time」是一個常見的英文短語,通常用來在結束對話或告別時使用,表示「下次見」或「直到下次」的意思,也可用於書信或電郵結尾、節目、播客、連載文章等結尾時,這句話通常帶有輕鬆友好的語氣,讓人感覺到這不是最後一次見面,而是期待未來再次相見。例句如下:

It was great catching up with you. Until next time.


答案:Until next time. (B) 掰掰。

題目(5) :How should I put it?


(A) 我該怎麼放它?

(B) 我該怎麼表達?

「How should I put it?」是一個常見的英文片語,用來表達你在思考如何用最合適的方式說某件事情。這句話通常是在你想要表達一個想法或觀點,但又不確定最好的措辭時使用。例句如下:

The movie was… how should I put it? Disappointing, to say the least.


答案:How should I put it? (B) 我該怎麼表達?

(6) Talk to you later.


(A) 等等跟你說。

(B) 掰掰。

「Talk to you later.」是一個常見的英文片語,通常用來在結束對話或告別時使用,適合在與朋友、家人或同事之間使用,也表達了對未來再次交流的期待。

It was great seeing you today. Talk to you later!


答案:Talk to you later. (B) 掰掰。

題目(7): Let’s say tomorrow.


(A) 讓我們明天再說。

(B) 明天怎麼樣?

「Let’s say tomorrow.」是一個簡短且常用的英文片語,通常用來提出某種建議或設定一個假設的時間點,這個短語常用於討論或計畫未來的事情。例句如下:

We need to finish this project soon. Let’s say tomorrow?


答案:Let’s say tomorrow. (B) 明天怎麼樣?


必看【NG 英文】文章,讓你突破盲點:

【NG 英文】不要隨便用 What do you want?,很可怕的!

【NG 英文】想要更有禮貌,你可以不要說 I want…



賴先生封面 (1)


















比如說上次會議,那時候剛好在學希平方一個辦公室的系列課程,那我可能就會不小心脫口而出,主持人在問說有什麼問題的時候,我就會說  I’d like to pitch in with something here. Naturally.之類的。我覺得這是一個蠻神奇的地方!我就覺得真的有學到就能用出來的感覺,能在生活中自我實現,就會有成就感,會開心所以你就會繼續學


Finally, I’d like to give some cheerful words to those,who are watching this video. Just keeping going, keep learning, and you will be there someday.


卓小姐封面 (1)





















I just have a wish to be able to understand the content of English podcast before retirement.




 過去早已購課2次 但虎頭蛇尾浪費



報名多益考試後  決定認真來挑戰上課









突破後 耳朵對英文的解析度變好了


希平方的好用小工具推薦 – 快速切換、收錄單字



考前準備 – 考古題及模擬考不可缺,需了解考法及題型





757 (1)






加入希平方玩轉文法  打好英文基礎










開始學習後,跟隨課程設計的腳步- – 五次間隔學習法,在適合個人程度、興趣的專屬內容中有效率的學習,透過「聽、說、讀、寫」四合一訓練,一天24小時裡可以任選時段、不限地點,即使旅遊在外,只要手機、平板在手,都可以「酌情適量」學習,對於學習英語常易陷入倦怠的我,很難找到逃避的理由(^_^)。





✦ 給年輕人的一句語:多選擇一種語言作為接觸世界的窗口吧!✦ 
